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Dwarf Home, level 1, map B


This map connects to Part A. | connects to Part C. | and connects to Part D.

The 3 semi-circles in room 12 are 2 torches and the fireplace.

Map Rooms
B lower left, passage to nowhere Upper left portcullis is down, no visible controls

12 120’ × 90’ × 20’ mold chest, empty 2 lit torches, 1 fireplace 4 benches, a clay bottle banquet table and chairs, 2 beds comfy chair and a rug

13 30’ × 30’ × 10’ brazier and 2 benches

14 50’ × 50’ × 15’ Bubbling fire pit and a brazier

15 30’ × 30’ × 10’ 4 skeletons basket, chest

16 20’ × 20’ × 20’ 2 zombies fountain

17 10’ ×10’ × 10’ chest secret catch in back of fireplace. fireplace has to cool off

18 10’ × 20’ × 10’ + 30’ × 10’ × 10’ dusty

19 40’ × 30’ × 10’ statue

20 40’ × 50’ × 15’ ladder, goes part way to ceiling. nothing up there

21 80’ × 10’ × 12’ dusty

Categories Dwarf Home, Lev01

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