These are from various other people on Dragon’s Foot forums. Used with their permission. Ulan Dhor and Smithy
An example of one I made up would be Wall of Fog for Druids. In AD&D 1E, its a Magic-User spell. But since Druids can affect weather, they should be able to create fog. There are many other examples.
Here are some of the spells, in spell name alphabetical order:
- Animate Dead
1. Animated skeletons of non-humanoid creatures/monsters turn as an undead equal to their HD/2, so an animated skeleton of a hill giant would turn as a shadow.
2. Recently dead animated monsters are zombies, have ¾ the HP of the original monster, move at ¾ movement, flying creatures can fly, and all physical attacks remain the same. So a reanimated 8HD zombie ankheg would attack as a 8HD creature, have ¾ its original HP, turn as a shadow, have one attack per round and do 3-18 damage, but would not spit acid.
3. Long dead skeletons animated have ½ the HP of the original monster, move at ½ movement, flying creatures cannot fly, and all physical attacks remain the same. So a reanimated 8HD skeleton ankheg would attack as a 8HD creature, have ½ its original HP, turn as a shadow, have one attack per round and do 3-18 damage, but would not spit acid.
4. A cleric can reanimate up to his level in HD of creatures, either singly or collectively.
5.A rival cleric (but not MU) can attempt to take control of animated dead with a successful turn attempt, the original cleric can attempt to reassert control in the same way.
- Clauda Ring of Friendship : this small gold ring is fashioned as two arms ending with clasped hands around a crowned heart. When worn it will provide +1 saves vs Charm & Fear type spells/Rolls. Aswell as this it provides +1 to all Charisma based Rolls for friendship or persuassion. The user may also “friend” another character, which allows once a day for the wearer to take a blow or damage for the named friend as long as they are close by or within LoS. Only damage caused from non-magic sources may be taken ie. No spell damage and only the physical damage from a magic weapon. The magic bonus will always hit home on the original character. All that is required is a hand shake between the friends. The gift lasts until the ring is removed and no character may chose another BF until the old one is dead.
- Color Spray
The spell description is altered as follows:
Explanation/Description: Upon casting this spell, the illusionist causes a vivid fan-shaped spray of clashing colors to spring forth from his or her hand. From 1 to 6 creatures within the area of effect can be affected. Affected creatures are struck unconscious for 2 to8 rounds if their level is less than or equal to that of the spell caster; they are blinded for 1 to 4 rounds if their level or number of hit dice is 1 or 2greater than the illusionist; and they are stunned (cf. power word, stun, seventh level magic-user spell) for 2 to 8 segments if their level or number of hit dice is 3 or more greater than the spell caster. All creatures above the level of the spell caster and all creatures of 6th level or 6 hit dice are entitled to a saving throw versus the color spray spell. The material components of this spell are a pinch each of powder or sand colored red, yellow and blue.
- Dimension Door
A dimension door will allow the caster to go past a globe of invulnerability or an anti-magic shell, but not within. If the caster touches a victim with a successful to hit roll they can dimension door them as well. Recovery from use of a dimension door spell (for caster and any victim) requires 7 segments, during which no attacks or actions may be possible.
- Dispel Magic
Works on illusions as if the caster was 2 levels below their current casting level..
If the magic user wishes they can use this spell to anticipate the attacks of an opponent in melee. The victim gets a save, if they fail the magic user gains a +2 to hit, +2 on saves and 2 point AC bonus against that opponent only for the duration of the spell. Once this is done the spell may not be redirected to any other opponent..
- Fireball
Wandering Monster Checks: When a Fireball is cast the flash and subsequent fires (as well as the pressure changes underground) may trigger a wandering monster check. Ongoing fire damage: when a Fireball is cast in an outdoor environment (say a forest) or an indoor environment with combustibles, there will be a fire raging afterwards. As long as there are objects to burn, the AOE of the Fireball will deal out 1 hp per level of MU damage to all in the AOE for 1d6 rounds. In addition, there is a 5% chance per round of passing out from the smoke when outdoors, 20% per round inside. Obscurement: smoke will reduce visibility in the AOE for 1d3 rounds (-2 to hit against anyone in the AOE) outside and 1d6 rounds inside. Morale: Low Intelligence monsters and animals will likely panic when they see fire, it is a natural reaction. A Fireball and the subsequent fire should trigger a morale check. In addition, when a Fireball takes out large numbers of foes in a single shot, it should routinely trigger a morale check.
- Flame Arrow
Range: Touch, Duration: 1 rd/level, Area of Effect: Each missile touched, Components: V, S, M , Casting Time: 3 segments, Saving Throw: special
Explanation/Description: Once the magic-user has cast this spell, he or she is able to touch one missile per level, each such missile so touched becomes surrounded by flame and is considered “magical”, although it gains no bonuses "to hit". All missiles must be discharged by the end of the spell's duration. Any creatures hit by an enchanted missile that are not immune to fire damage will take regular arrow damage + 1 and must make a save versus spell. If they fail the arrow has ignited them and they will take an extra 1-4 damage. In addition, the target's items must save against normal fire or be destroyed. The material components for this spell are a drop of oil, a small piece of flint and a feather for an arrow, dart or bolt enchantment, a piece of sharpened iron for an axe or hammer, sand for a sling stone or a shard of wood for a spear or javelin.
- Heston’s Cold Dead Hand : The enchanted metal hand of one ancient adventurer named Heston, lost long ago. It appears palm out, with preserved human skin covering it. A large key protrudes from the wrist end and small holes appear to be drilled into the finger tips. For those who have knowledge of it, there is also a small trigger mechanism hidden in the thumb. When the trigger is used small poison darts fly from each finger, one at a time or in a volley. It has a poor Range of effect being S = 6ft / M = 12’ / L = 18’. On firing it recharges at midnight.
Humanoids will take d2 damage and must save vs poison at +1 (Large creatures – Ogres/Giants etc at +3) or be partially enfeebled. Each hit causes stats to drop -1 To Hit /-2 Damage and slows them by 50% with 10% chance of unconciousness. Each hit is partially cumulative -2/-4, -3/-6, up to -4/-6. Slowed by up to 75% max. Each hit increases chance of unconciousness by 10% though. If a save is made no further extra penalties are applied or saves required. If all 4 darts hit, and no save is made, there is also a 20% chance of immediate death.
These effects are bad for living beings, undead are affected even more. Any hit and failed save on Skeletons/ zombies (save at -3) means instant disintegration. If save take d4 damage. Other corporal undead (not higher than Shadows) not saving will take 2d4 damage, save for 50% dmg. A second hit on same creature with a second fail also causes instant destruction. A volley of 4 shots all hitting their target, will overwhelm any undead (up to Shadow level) and no save is possible.The key attached can be used by Thieves as a skeleton key, giving +25% to pick locks and lock any door magically at 2 levels above its normal strength. (Even a locks original key will not open it automatically.) This ability is only useful to Thieves, while the “hand-gun” may only be used by them and Clerics.
- Illusionary Script
Illusionists may write this script on their bodies as tattoos. The chance of an opponent viewing the script during combat are as follows:Completely Surprised – 9 in 10 chance of viewing script
Surprised – 7 in 10 chance of viewing script
Viewing illusionist – 5 in 10 chance of viewing script
Attacking normally – 3 in 10 chance of viewing script
Avoiding script – 1 in 10 chance of viewing script (-2 to hit)If the target views the script they get a save against magic with modifiers for wisdom (mental attack) and dexterity (pulling away quickly) to this saving throw.
- Invisibility 10’ Radius
Invisibility 10 radius is a zone of effect spell centered on the designated target. All those things in the zone become invisible, person or object. No two targets in the zone may see each other, but the designated target of the spell and the caster can see all. The maximum capacity for the spell is 100 man sized creatures, 1 large creature or 200 small creatures. If the group is to move and stay invisible every 1” of movement (up to maximum of slowest member) reduces the total maximum number of participants by 10, so a movement rate of 10” is possible for at most 10 individuals, anything faster would lead to complications. Those in the AOE of the spell who wish to move must have some way of communicating (e.g. walking while holding the shoulder of the one in front) to avoid collision. Any missile fire directed from the invisible group must be randomly targeted amongst all ahead of themselves in the AOE. The AOE of the spell can be exited and re-entered, and entering after it has been first cast still conveys invisibility.
- Protection from Evil
Hedges out undead as well (as “enchanted” creatures or creatures created by magic).
- Shocking Grasp
This spell may “sit” for one round per level before being discharged. If the magic user has a metal object in their hands (e.g. a dagger) they may conduct the electricity through the object for additional damage. The spell may also be discharged through liquids, at a maximum distance of 1” per 4 levels of the caster.
- Web
Adjacent PC’s can free a trapped victim but must save versus spells or be trapped. Using a blunt or bladed weapon can double progress through the web.