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generic horse prices


I came up with generic horse price for my campaign, and then modified them if necessary.

size                           base price   base move rate
horse, light riding     25 gp           26”
horse, light war        75 gp           24”
horse, medium war 110 gp          18”
horse, heavy war    130 gp          15”
pony                         20 gp           12”

quality         price difference       movement add
poor                -50%                       +(2d4-6)”   ( -4 to +2 )
average           —-                           +(2d4-5)”   ( -3 to 3 ) 
good              +100%                      +(2d4-4)”   ( -2 to 4 )
excellent        +200%                      +(2d4-3)”   ( -1 to 5 )
superb          +265%                       +(2d4-2)”   ( 0 to 6 )


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[ Copyright © by Jim, 1980-2050. All Rights Reserved. ]

[ Except where noted, and where copyrights are held by others. ]