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Grand Isle of Karenth Geography and resources


farm land: wheat, corn, rye, vegetables,
a few apple orchards, typical small
farm animals. Few cattle.

forests: one forest, broken up into parts by
crop lands, streams

water: one lake, various small streams. Fish in
Chrill Lake and River are smallmouth bass,
spottail shiner, white sucker, Bream, brook trout
and yellow perch. Fishing in the lake and streams is
considered good training for the fishing fleet.

The fishing fleet brings in tuna, halibut,
Walleye Pollock, Trillolaran Mackeral, Outer
Ocean Salmon according to season
and availability.

mountains: low hills, forested, some lookout
posts to warn of pirates.

typical terrain: crescent shaped hills with trees,
land gently slops
towards the harbor.

Warm ocean current flows towards the island
from the Northeast.

map of Chaga-Tarn and Chala-Tarn

Chrina is the capital and sea/fishing port

harbour, a small fishing school with a lake to teach fishing techniques to youngsters before they go out on the ocean. And open air market for trade between sea captains and the inland farmers and others.

Charga-Tarn Geography and resources

Chaga-Tarn is mostly a farming community. There are a few buildings where fishing fleet people stay while learning to fish in the local streams.

farm land: east of town: wheat, corn, rye, vegetables,
typical small farm animals

forests: one forest, broken up into parts by crops lands, streams
foresters replant trees

water: one lake, various small streams. Fish in Chrill Lake are Bass,
Bream, and Perch. Fishing in the lake and streams is
considered good training for the fishing fleet.

mountains: low hills, forested, some lookout posts to warn of pirates.

Chala-Tarn Geography and resources

Chala-Tarn is mostly a farming community. There are a few buildings where fishing fleet people stay while learning to fish in the local streams.

farm land: west of town: wheat, corn, rye,
vegetables, typical small farm animals

forests: one forest, broken up into parts by crops
lands, streams foresters replant trees

water: one lake, various small streams. Fish in
Chrill Lake are Bass, Bream, and Perch.
Fishing in the lake and streams is considered
good training for the fishing fleet.

mountains: low hills, forested, some lookout posts
to warn of pirates.


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