This set of pages tells how I join maps so the edges, roads, rivers, etc. match
Now. All 8 new maps are drawn. Well, I didn’t draw them, but you can.
I then save it again, map01_001.fcw, map02_001.fcw, and so on for all 8 maps.
I then load map01_001.fcw and delete anything from the other maps on this map. Remove any bmps, purge layers and symbols I don’t need for that map.
Then I have just map01 left on map01_005 ( due to many saves as I make changes).
I zoom in to each corner of the map, then use the NodeEdit to move each color to the edge. I freeze and hide all layers except the one I am working on. With map border shown but frozen.
I keep going on that until all edges of each altitude color and forests looks good and matches the maps next to it.
Then save it to map01, save out the png, create web pages, upload.
Then do the same for map02, then map03, etc.
That is how I get the surface maps to match across maps.
Yes, it is time consuming.
I have redone most of my old surface maps, but this tutorial is the method I use.