Some I still have notes for, some just a list of characters.
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These started in 1980. I am attempting to recreate the adventure notes from memories and some very lousy notes I took 38 years ago.
Adventure 1: QuasquetonMonth 2/Day 10/Year 500: 1) Feanor, Thief ; 2) Grix, Fighter ; 3) Leo, Thief ; 4) Mist, Cleric/Fighter/Magic-User ; 5) Winter, Fighter/Thief
All player characters. All first level.
imgur for larger area including the border, Fondfield, etc.
imgur for Potter/Quasqueton
As you can see from the cloe in map, the Barbarians to the South invade this way. One of the benefits of having Quasqueton there, but its overlords are gone.
Started in a small town called Potter. Nothing here but pottery makers and their families. They don’t like strangers and told the player characters to not come back. No money left for horses nor hirelings, so the adventurers walked over to Quasqueton. Starting early in the morning, nothing spotted on the way in. Just wind in the trees, but fewer and fewer small animals as they approached. They came over night as the walk is some 20 to 25 miles. No wandering monsters find them, or determine these are poor first time adventurers and not worth attacking. Nothing happens in the night. Not even a dog distantly barking.
They were loud, but no wandering monsters found them. I mentioned that loud talking can attract monsters. The players quieted a bit, then started talking again. First adventure, so I let some of it slide. My first adventure as well.
They reach the entrance and move the brush out of the way after searching for a few minutes. They enter the tunnel, and find a door in the way. They open it, and I roll dice… They do then realize they need to be more careful, but they do slip up from time to time.
No monsters waiting in the two alcoves 10 feet in. They look in, and I go ‘chop !’ “if there had been a monster there, your character would be injured or dead”.
Mumbles and exclamations from the players. They vow to each other to be more careful. They do improve. Slowly.
The magic mouths in alcove 3 upset them. One or two even talk back to the magic mouths. After I finish, I mention they are likely magic mounts, like a recording.
They open the door.
Me, “You smell dead bodies…”
One or two decide there might be zombies about, and the Mist brings out her Holy symbol.
They find the bodies, and poke them with staff and sword to make sure its not a trap. They search them, with some expressions of concern about the grizzliness of it all. This attitude will change over time.
They pocket the small amount of money they find. The weapons and armor in bad shape they leave there.
7 gp, pouch of garlic buds, small dagger in a sheath on a belt.
Slim findings.
They shine a lantern down the two side corridors. Since its not a bullseye lantern, they don’t see the two alcoves leading to the secret doors.
Continuing on, they open the left door and find the kitchen Room II. They go in and find nothing of value. They turn in place and go across to Room III and open the door.
Deciding to not try and carry the loose furniture back to Fondfield, they go into Room IV.
Expressing hope the statue might be removable, they find it is not. Again too heavy to carry they leave it behind. They don’t search for secret doors anywhere so far. I had reminded them earlier, but they must have forgotten.
They decide to head back to town, some had to work the next day. They suddenly remember to wipe their tracks going into the tunnel, and make some like they went past the tunnel so wandering monsters and other adventurers wont find this place.
Arriving in Fondfield, they find they can just afford a stay in the dorm area. 100 miles from Fondfield to Quasqueton. They try to find some horses for next time, finding they can rent but not purchase as they haven’t the necessary funds.
Adventure 2: Quasqueton
2/13/Year 500: 1) Leo, Thief; 2) Mist, Cleric/Fighter/Magic-User ; 3) Tol, Cleric/Ranger ; 4) Wan, Fighter ; 5) Winter, Fighter/Illusionist
Fondfield. A mostly military district command and the people who support it.
As mentioned earlier they get a dorm room. They are woke up just before dawn so breakfast can be served. They vow to find more treasure so they can afford rooms.
As they walk back to Quasqueton, they notice a few cavalry troops go past them more often than the day before. They are asked why are they in the area ?
They reply they are adventurers and they are hoping to clean up Quasqueton and become rich.
One officer points out that adventurers have gone missing when they say they are going there, and so have a few travelers going down the road nearby. Rumors have increased that troglodyts and bats are in the dungeon.
As they arrive at the keep, they look around, trying to be nonchalant about it, for other visitors.
Doesn’t appear to be any foot prints but small animals like racoons, rabbits, birds, etc.
After they carefully move the brush, and then push it back into place, they continue on down the hallway.
The magic mouths yell at them again. Their map shows a corridor going into the keep, they continue on.
They look in room XXXVI and find it empty.
Noticing a wood floor up ahead, they become somewhat cautious.
Several players think it might be a trap. One wants to open the door.
A rope is tied around the character who wants to try the door. I get my dice ready.
Them, “What are you doing ?”
Me, “Nothing.”
The ‘volunteer’ tries to open the door. The floor staerts falling. I tell them, I had their character’s matchig order, to roll either 4d6 or 5d6 vs. Dex, depending on where they were in the marching order.
Two were back in the corridor watching for rear suprise attacks.
All but one made it. That character falls down, the rest hear a Splaaash !. One, in leather armor, probably Leo, jumps in to help the character that opened the door… who is wearing chain mail.
They piton the rope to the floor and all climb down.
Room L ( 50) on lower level. Now they have to find their way out.
As those two who fell into the water recover, they others look around. One sees a glint in the sand on the edge of the cold pond.
Tieing a rope around this character, the character reaches down and picks up the ring. They found a ring of regeneration.
As they exit, they see the door into room LI. Noticing some striated rock, the gnome goes over and looks at it. Winter is not certan it is worth anything, but they take a small amount with them to have it checked.
As they leave the room, one of the characters kicks something.
Its a small wooden box with 25 gp in it.
They wander around, not going into the room to their right as Tol says it smells like bats.
Not checking for secret doors, they go past room XL.
Arriving at the rectangular area between rooms XXXVIII, XXXiX, and XLI, they decide to go into room XXXVIII.
Note I never gave them room numbers. They made a map, and numbered the rooms themselves.
Finding the stairs up, usability checks are made on the mining gear they find.
They decide to leave the gear here and head up.
Going up the stairs, they quietly look around to make sure there is nothing in room XXX.
Wandering around the corner of the upper floor, they eventually find the exit. Since it is early morning, they decide to leave and head back to Fondfield. Searching those rooms can wait for later. In doing so, they find the secret door exit that lets them skip hearing the magic mouths make threats.
Better rooms and better food in their future.
Adventure 3: Quasqueton
2/19/Year 500: 1) Midnight, Fighter ; 2) Mist, Cleric/Fighter/Magic-User ; 3) Ora, Fighter ; 4) Tol, Cleric/Ranger ; 5) Wan, Fighter ; 6) Winter, Fighter/Illusionist
Not wanting to leave enemies behind them, they decided to finish up with level 1 before going back into the dungeon area.
They wander around some more. They make sure their tracks outside the entrance are cleaned up.
Loud magic mouths again, they turn left determined to find a way past them. They find an alcove, peek around the corner, and find it empty, look for secret doors. Pushing on the wall opens the door and they now see a way in without having to listen to the magic mouths.
Party goes around the other side and checks an alcove they find there. Same result. I roll a d6, and they realize they weren’t keeping a watch for monsters. Look beinhd as they go more often.
Looking back to the left of the entrance, they find room XXI, the meeting room. Lots of benches in the room, tossed about.
They found a ring of protection ( few plusses) under one of the benches. Decision to head back is made, they find a magic-user who will cast Identify. Its a ring of protection few plses. ( +1 or +2)
Possibly found something else they could sell, but its not in my notes for this adventure.
Heading back, no patrols sited which makes them nervous. No wandering monster encounters.
They are in the Green Goose Inn, and are currently living on cheap beer and bean soup.
Monsters next adventure.
I decided the Identity spell in the game only gave general information. Few, several, many plusses. Few was +1 or +2; several was +3 or +4; Many ( and these were rare, some were unique) +5 or +6. Most were both plus to damage and to hit bonuses.
Adventure 4: Quasqueton
2/26/Year 500: 1) Loth, Cleric/Fighter ; 2) Ora, Fighter ; 3) Riz, Cleric ; 4) Silme, Cleric/Fighter/Magic-User ; 5) Strag, Thief ; 6) Tarn, Ranger
Adventure 5: Quasqueton
3/1/Year 500: 1) Canandra, Cleric/Magic-User; 2) Feanor, Thief ; 3) Leo, Thief ; 4) Mist, Cleric/Fighter/Magic-User ; 5) Ora, Fighter
Colleseis shield (few pluses) ;
sold chainmail (few) for 3,500 gp
Monsters killed: 1 huge spider, 3 orcs, 5 stirges
700 gp each character
Adventure 6: Quasqueton
3/3/Year 500: 1) Candandra, Cleric/Magic-User; 2) Fangpiper, Fighter ; 3) Grix, Fighter ; 4) Leo, Thief ; 5) Mist, Cleric/Fighter/Magic-User ; 6) Ora, Fighter ; 7)Winter, Fighter/Illusionist
Ring of Fire resistance
Adventure 7: Quasqueton
3/6/Year 500: 1) Alanon, Sighter/Magic-User ; 2) Colleseis, Cleric/Fighter ; 3) Fangpiper, Fighter ; 4) Leo, Thief ; 5) Mist, Cleric/Fighter/Magic-User ; 6) Riz, Cleric ; 7)Star, Thief
Battle axe (several) ; Long sword (many) ; long sword (few)
Drink from a magic fountain: Mist’s skin glows blue, eyes glow red
Adventure 8: Quasqueton
3/15/Year 500: 1) Glar, Ranger ; 2) Fangpiper, Fighter ; 3) Mist, Cleric/Fighter/Magic-User ; 4) Riz,Cleric ; 6)Star, Thief
Adventure 9: Quasqueton
3/17/Year 500: 1) Candandra ; 2) Fang ; 3) Midnight ; 4) Riz ; 5) Shadow ; 6) Star
Walnut wood plaque with silver inlay worth 25 gp.
6 gp, 13 sp, 4 cp each character
Adventure 10: Quasqueton
3/19/Year 500: 1) Candandra ; 2) Fang ; 3) Midnight ; 4) Riz ; 5) Shadow ; 6) Star
Foot flail (few)
Adventure 11: Quasqueton
3/24/Year 500: 1) Alanon ; 2) Canandra ; 3) Leo ; 4) Ora ; 5) Shadow ; 6) Winter
Scroll of Fire Resistance ; Scroll, 2 cure light wounds
Monsters: 2 statues, 10 orcs
1498 gp, 6 sp, 6 cp each character
Adventure 12: Quasqueton
4/1/Year 500: 1) Canandra ; 2) Gorelack ; 3) Grix ; 4) Midnight ; 5) Ora ; 6) Shadow ; 7) Winter
36 gp, 13 sp, 3 cp
Adventure 13: Sraa Keep
4/8/Year 500: 1) Fang ; 2) Gorelack ; 3) Grix ; 4) Mist ; 5) Ora ; 6) Star ; 7) Winter
Got some enchanted fool’s gold coins, worth 200 cp each character.
Adventure 14: Mad Krongo's game store group #1
4/10-11/Year 500: 1) Fang ; 2) Fargon ; 3) Foxthorn ; 4) Gildor ; 5) Glentheil ; 6) Gorg ; 7) Luke ; 8) Parralax ; 9) Roborg ; 10) Thorin ; 11) Vardis
Adventure 15: Mad Krongo's game store group #2
4/10-11/Year 500: 1) Bodon ; 2) Fang ; 3) Fargon ; 4) Fid ; 5) Gildor ; 6) Larl ; 7) Linia ; 8) Mitil ; 9) Pathfinder ; 10) Porwick ; 11) Prin Zar ; 12) Sigurd ; 13) Sith ; 14) Thundar ; 15) Vardis ; 16) Zon
Adventure 16: Mad Krongo's
4/12/Year 500: 1) Ahab ; 2) Bodon ; 3) Fang ; 4) Pelleas ; 5) Pepsia ; 6) Tallow ; 7) Sigurd ; 7) Tes ; 8) Vardis
NPCs 1) Linia ; 2) Prin Zar
This is the adventure a halfling thief got a quest to look for a strawberry milk flavoring, and later on became a 3 feet tall pink rabbit with the letter ‘Q’ on a string around his neck.
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