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To start a new character create in my campaign.

Character Creation.

1) Decide on character race. Half-Elf ( wood, high, gray, or valley), human ( city, coast, hills, or mountain), gnome ( hill or mountain), elf ( wood, high, gray, or valley), dwarf ( hill or mountain), halfling ( hairfoot, tallfellow, or stout). No evil character races nor evil alignments.

At this current time, there is nothing special about the various sub-races. I plan on changing that, but not for several months.

2) roll dice; 4d6 drop lowest for 7 numbers total. Minimum stat is a 9. A player decides what character race and character class they want their character to be. If they don’t have the stats, I let them up the numbers 1 or 2 points to the minimum. The minimum stat in my campaign is a 9. By the book, the minimum is a 3. The 7th number is for use if you don’t like one of the other 6 numbers. Stats are Strength, Intelligence, Wisdom, Dexterity, Constitution, and Charisma.

3) using those numbers decide on a character class or multi-class.

4) assign the numbers rolled to the stats for that class or multi-classes.

5) Maximum hit points for first level. Magic-Users now use a d6, not a d4. (How to roll for hit points for levels above first.)

6) buy gear, starting monies is 300 gp per character. Basic gear is: armor, weapon, backpack, water skin, food. Once the player decides on a character race/character class/multi/single/dual class, the player decides on what equipment the character has.

(use this price list for the time being then come back here.)

For Play by Post, use the link above as I wont be able to hand you a price sheet for in game items.

I hand the player a typed sheet of equipment; armor, food, weapons, water, horse, etc. of prices at the nearby General Store. Or the player looks on the web site url I email them. Some start towns may or may not have everything the character needs. There could be a local scarcity. Fishing nets, for an example, would not likely be available in a woodlands town far from the ocean or lakes.

7) The player makes a copy of their character for me. This is in case the player loses their character sheet which has happened before.

For play by post, pm me your character sheet. Thank you.

8)All of these types of characters get Read Magic or Read Illusionist Magic automatically.

9) Certain character classes; like Ranger or Cavalier, have to select certain weapons. These are listed in the UA. The Paladin is not a sub-class on Cavalier in my game world.

10) I use parts, but not all of Unearthed Arcana, not all of the 1E players’ handbook, all of the DMG, and the MM, MM2, and Fiend Folio. There are some monsters/bad guys I don’t use as I feel they don’t fit my campaign. Not going to list them though.

11) Characters such as clerics, druids, rangers, paladins, and cavaliers must select a religion of their character’s alignment. Other player characters don’t have to. ( Not typed up yet, generic until this is done.)

12) the player character then meets the other player characters in the local game Inn or game Tavern. Some may think that a cliche, but it doesn’t matter. This is the way I do it.

13) When we start gaming again, dice rolls for hit points will go to 23rd level instead of rolling up to around name level and just adding in a set amount. Note that bad guys get to do the same thing.

For Play by Post: Any part of this site where it says I hand you, or you hand me, an item, just ignore that.

14) game session, setup

15) Game session, in progress

16) Game session, end

17) Game session, followup

Categories character create


An interesting area…

Walk, fly, ride past the mountains on the prairie. You see no people, no inhabitation in ruins or in repair. Just a few random birds, insects, and the occasional monster.

Go down ‘The Ravine’ and you hear voices of thousands of people. Off in the distance you see houses, castles, farms, towns, crops.

You get close, nothing there. Nothing but the prairie. And the wind sighing across the land.

Sometimes a strange green light can be seen on the top of Watcher.

Part of Elf Hold on the southwestern area of the southern continent Bellshar.

A partial map of Elf Hold showing these mountains. The map is 185 × 234 miles.

Categories Elf Hold, Ar-Tal Mountains


Two islands northeast of The Northern Island Group that surround a bay.

No inhabitaitons here. Although there is a nice harbor area, with shallows for fishing.

Nice temperate area, good soil for farming. Fresh water springs.

No sign that anyone has ever lived here.

Categories Outer Ocean, Islands


Neutral Evil Pirates, they don’t like anybody. Source of much of the woe on Crestar. They would be even more of a threat if they didn’t attack each other so much. Of course, if they became a major threat, the other Evil on Crestar would see them as challengers and attack them. The evil dragons would certainly not want such a nation to become a threat.

They live in the Stormy Reaches Islands near the equator.

Categories Outer Ocean, The Freebooters


Why do all those locations have similar names ?

New map: July 13, 2016

The mountain upper right is Loner Mountain.

This is a story of Seko’s Ego… and how everyone dealt with it…

Seko and Sedge lived many years ago.

Seko wanted to call everything Seko after himself. It was pointed out that if he named all trees and hills Seko, folks might not be at the correct Seko to hear one of his speeches.

So there is a Seko Village, Seko Stream with two branches, Seko Mountain, Seko Hills, Seko Road, but there are two forests. Seko Forest East and Seko Forest West. Notice the two small streams coming out of Seko Forest East ? Yes, they are named Seko Stream East and Seko Stream West, but neither are in Seko Forest West. There are ponds as the headwater of each stream. Named after Seko, of course. Seko Pond West and Seko Pond East, attached to the appropriate Seko Stream.

But Seko never named the farmlands after himself, the farmers had pitchforks.

Sedge has a passage into Grand Harbour named after Sedge. Along with Sedge Keep. The forest used to be called Sedge Forest, but after Sedge died it was called Gone Forest. And Sedge Lighthouse is abandoned and doesn’t presently have a name. A possible adventure area. I’ll think about working on it.

Why not change them to other names ? Someone, or some thing, that looks like Seko shows up if a name change is proposed. Sometimes as a person who can be touched, sometimes as an upset voice, and sometimes as a ghostly figure. Doesn’t have to be a public announcement… and the person or persons change their minds and leave it being called Seko after such a visit.

Sedge doesn’t appear, but as Sedge was the only one who apparently put a stop to Seko’s naming things, the items named after Sedge continue to be left that way, with the 3 above exceptions.

Yell village ? Yes, they go over and yell at the folks in Silent Castle. Still do to. They yelled at Seko to, when he tried to rename their village to Seko’s Other Village. What it was actually called, pre-Seko, is gone forever.

Just anybody yelling ? No, its a group of twelve people elected to the Yell. A very prestigious office.

The Twelve Yell of Yell Village. It worked for them. Seko left the area not long after the Twelve Yell yelled a him when he arrived at Yell Village.

There is much Pomp and Circumstance associated with this office. Gold braid, small bells on finely carved walking sticks, felt shoes, and other fine clothes.

Town Criers are just not in the same league as The Twelve Yell of Yell Village.

Some say Seko was going to rename Great River to Seko’s Great River… but a water spirit got upset and grabbed and tossed Seko into the river. Well, that is one of the stories told to explain Seko’s leaving and never returning. There are others, equally believable. Hmmm… but water spirits do live in the Great River.

Categories Outer Ocean, Tantalow's Islands

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