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Nice village, noisy during the day.

The nearby Hollow Hill is presumed to be hollow by the locals. No one remembers if anyone goes inside.

Sometimes a fog comes in from Tarn Bay, over the top of Hollow Hill, and moves towards the town.

Locals run indoors and lock their homes up tight when that happens.

Bottom of this map.

Categories Outer Ocean, Northern Island


About 120 humans

12 halflings

15 half-elves

All adults belong to the local militia. Five of the half-elves are good with bow and arrows.

Two haflings are druid/fighters. One is Dr 3/F 3 and the other is Dr2/F2.

Three of the humans are clerics. Cleric 4, cleric 2 and cleric 1. Leader and 2 acolytes.

Categories Outer Ocean, Northern Island


Has 55 humans

and four elves.

All 20 human adults are in the militia. The teens have some weapon skills.

One human druid 3, one human fighter 3, two human fighter 1. What is left of a one-time adventuring party who moved to this area. For the quiet…

All 4 elves are adults and have high quality bow and arrow skills. Two have chain mail, the others have leather armor. All 4 have long swords. No shields.

Two half-elves, not considered part of the village, live in a small hut near the edge of the forest. But not IN the forest.

Categories Outer Ocean, Northern Island


A small island, near the Southern continent’s Wildlands, in the Outer Ocean.

The capital of Chan-Tok Island is Chirra. This island is 2,907 square miles in area. There are druids living in the forest. One hundred paladins live over by Shara Bay. Most of the inhabitants of this island are humans of neutral or neutral good alignment. Most of them get along with the paladins.

They have never gone to Ghan-Tok Island. They are uncertain if anyone lives there or not.

Crops: Wheat, corn, apples, and pears. They sell some of their crops at market to passing ships. The beef and deer they sell is for local consumption only. Fish get sold to visitors.

Ride side of this map.

Categories Outer Ocean, Northern Island


A few miles away from Chan-Tok Island. Dense forest. Only known ruins is a ziggaurat and an ancient city.

There are no known inhabitants.

right side of this map.

Categories Outer Ocean, Northern Island

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