
Sraa Keep level 4, Trillolara

Room 46) 20’ × 110’ × 15’ another Fountain Room

Secret door to this room: opens if touched by magic ring 5 gargoyles
Fountain: 30’ × 20’ × 6’ Basin in back glows bright blue 6 feet above floor. Anyone attempting to destroy fountain will lose 1 hp, -1 to Intelligence, -2 to Wisdom, -3 Charisma, -2 Strength permanently.
        Anyone who climbs into pool to see what is in basin or in the pool,
         climbing in: 1d6 hp; move 3' in: 6 hp; move total of 6' in: 8 hp
           ; move total of  9' in: 7 hp; move total of 12' in: 10 hp
           ; move total of 15' in: 3 hp; move total of 15' in: 3 hp
           ; move total of 18' in: 6 hp; move total of 21' in: 9 hp
           ; move total of 24' in: 10 hp; move total of 27' in: 11 hp
           ; move total of 30' in: 12 hp; returning heals 1 hp/6 feet.
If touch water and bowl: 4d6 hp electrical damage, metal armor doubles damage. 300 cubic feet of water: if they use 12 Destroy Water spells, or Lower Water or Part Water take no damage. Or the character could use Levitate or Fly, etc. In the back of the bowl is: Ring of Free Action and Bucknard’s Everfull Purse ( 26 cp, 26 ep, 26 pp)

Room 47) 20’ × 20’

human, halfling, and gnome bones all over the floor on east wall is a drawing of a laughing skull.
A sign under the skull says in common:
‘Cursed to they who steal my gold, your way out leads to death,
the way back leads to life.’
Exit doors will only open if PCs/NPCs go up to level 3 room 42 ( stairs 10)

Room 48) 20’ × 50’

3 giant weasels Chest: 3’ × 3’ × 3’ lid is open; gold and silver can be seen from doorway: its 800 gp and 700 sp. false bottom: Thief must Find and remove Traps or 2d6 hp when remove covers: 250 pp, scroll Cure Serious Wounds ( 3) that only work inside Sraa Keep

Room 49) 30’ × 60’ Armory

Secret door cannot be kept open unless broken open or spiked open
with iron/steel spikes: it will close and turn to stone; 30 hp to break. Any weapon taken from this room will have 50 percent chance to shatter
each monster fought in this dungeon, normal otherwise. Along all 4 walls are weapons racks: South wall: swords; radiate magic and all glow in the dark, but they are only Nystul’s Magic Aura
West wall: maces, same as the swords, except the rusty and bloody one on the floor, wont shatter and its a +4 weapon ( You can decide if they are foot soldier or horse/cavalry maces. I sometimes pre-designated one, other times I told the players it was a particular type if someone needed a horse/cavalry mace rather than a foot soldier’s mace.)
East wall: twenty 6’ long spears; first one is +1 cursed: any heal or cure spell -2/die rolled for the owner( minimum result of 1), regeneration wont work. Tenth is +2, but will shatter 10 percent chance vs. any monster in this dungeon. Rest are all normal spears, but will test same as other weapons in this room, i.e. using Identify.

Room 50) 50’ × 40’ × 15’ Torture Chamber

3 owlbears Iron Maiden 4’ tall, Northwest (NW) corner Manacles on the south wall 3 Braziers near south wall with iron rods in them. Pit NE ( northeast) corner: 10’ × 18’ × 30’ deep.
full of 2’ spikes 2d6 hp plus SR vs. poison
blood everywhere, some of it fairly recent, any cleric can recognize it as human

Room 51) 30’ × 50’ 15’ Teleport sender room TS1

1st character into room gets sent to room 127 2nd gets sent to room 78 3rd gets sent to room 84 ( continue rotation between receive rooms until all characters that go into this room wind up in one of the 3 receiver rooms. )
All rooms are on this level.

Room 52) 8’ × 40’ empty

Fresco of Strazl Deathclaw
First Chaotic align that touch it, gets a Wish. First Lawful that touches it gets 2d10 hp
And any additional characters that touches it takes 2d10 hp
After 5 characters have touched it, it falls apart.
stairs, number 8, in this room lead up to level 3 room 33

Room 53) 20’ × 10’

door pushes open either direction 2 gargoyles
stairs north end of room ( goes up to level 3 or down to level 5) up stairs is number 9, down stairs is number 11. These are the only multi-level stairs in Sraa Keep.

Room 54) 10’ × 10’ empty

South door: pushes open from inside room 54, but not from direction of room 49 North door: pushes open from inside room 54, but not from hallway
Knock can be used for either door.

Room 55) 20’ × 30’ × 15’ empty

a large orange arrow is painted on the floor ( doesn’t do anything ) The projecting wall area moves up and to the left to block the passageway if there are any of the group left after room 51 is entered. Slab takes 50 hp of blunt weapon damage to break through.

Room 56) 20’ × 10’ empty

Trap A, marked in corridor south of this room:
1-15 in 20 activate trap: 6’ × 10’ × 10’ deep pit. 1d6 +2 hp
South secret door: will open automatically if Trap A is sprung, otherwise pivots in center.
East secret door: opens when all of party inside, or Knock

Room 57) 10’ × 50’

Trap B: 1-10 in 20 third person step on it triggers it.
3 spikes 6 inches long in the pit that opens up: 1d8 +3 hp
hit any armor class on a 19 or 20
The pit is 12’ deep, 6’ × 10’ wide
Spikes have a sleep poison on them: SR vs. poison +3 or sleep for 40 minutes
Chest: Thief can remove traps and prevent the Magic Missile attack: ( I know thieves cannot remove magic traps, but I forgot that during the design phase of this dungeon.)
d4+1 to all within 15 feet
700 gp; 3,600 sp
South secret door rolls up into ceiling if Trap B activated. otherwise Knock West secret door: push from east East secret door: push from west, Knock from East

Room 58) 20’ × 10’

East Secret door: activated by levers on south wall.
All 3 levers are down, 1 and 2 must be pushed up then down,
then 1, 2, and 3 are pushed up then down.
Door opens by sliding into floor. or Knock
North secret door can only be opened from room 57, or 2 Knocks

Room 59) 10’ × 30’ Lever Room

6 levers across the north wall at 2’ intervals Using any lever starts a loud bell ringing.
East secret door: opened by pushing on any part of the door

Room 60) 10’ × 50’

Trap C: 1-8 in 20 fifth person or if not fifth person activate,
then roll again for when 6th person walks on it. 20’ drop. 2d6 +2 hp.
3 inch spikes. SR vs. Poison or sleep for 1 hour and lose
1 point from all attributes for 2 game-weeks.
South Secret door: open automatically if trap sprung, otherwise Knock.

Room 78) 10’ × 10’ empty

to spot thin area in wall: gnome and dwarf 1-7 in 8
elf 1-4 in 6
half-elf 1-5 in 8

Room 79) 10’ × 10’ empty

stairs, number 7, near this room lead up to level 3 room 33

Room 80) 10’ × 10’ empty

Room 81) 10’ × 10’ empty

Room 82) 10’ × 10’ empty

Room 83) 10’ × 10’ empty

Room 84) 10’ × 10’ trap

any character comes into this room: 2d4 hp

Room 85) 10’ × 10’ trap

any character comes into this room: 2d8 hp dead end

Room 86) 10’ × 10’ empty

stairs, number 6, near this room lead up to level 3 room 33

Room 127) 20’ × 30’ Teleport Reception TR1

3 Ghouls

Categories Trillolara


Sraa Keep level 5 room 68, Trillolara

Room 68) book shelves

B bookshelf: 2’ deep x 6’ high x 6’ wide
       shelf 1. 50 scrolls historical records
       shelf 2. 60 scrolls elvish poetry, worth 1 sp each
       shelf 3. 1 book: ( green cover 10” × 3” deep x 18” wide, red lettering in unknown
                    language ) Report on Man’s Superiority to Kobolds
       shelf 4. 90 scrolls Love Letters in Orcish
       shelf 5. 10 books: historical records, far lands, mystical past

C bookshelf: 2’ × 8’ × 6’ wide shelf 1. 50 scrolls: diary pages of day to day life in Sraa Keep shelf 2. 2 books: religious books, simple prayers, 6” × 5” × 10” shelf 3. 2 Tomes:

A: clerical spells: 20” high x 6” thick x 20” wide, written at 15th level Religious Tome: 10,000 xp or 53,334 gp Level 1: Curse, Command, Detect Good Level 2: Find Traps, Know Alignment, Spiritual Hammer Level 3: Cure Disease, Dispel Magic, Speak with the Dead Level 4: Detect Lie, Exorcise, Tongues Level 5: Dispel Good, Plane Shift, True Seeing Level 6: Animate Object, Heal, Word of Recall level 7: Gate, Unholy Word, Resurrection
Key on small cord attached to tome. No keyhole visible. A hidden combination lock which when opened will cause keyhole to become visible. If any being but Strazl opens tome: a raspberry is heard by all, opener panics when they see elves. Summon Monster 4 is cast by the tome and 5 shriekers appear through out the room. Touch any ORANGE area on the book cover: touch causes a character to go Etheral starting the next adventure. It lasts for 5 rounds. There is a 75% chance it will occur any one hour but only once per adventure. to open: touch red oval in center of cover, then either one of the blue/radiant ovals to the left, then the keyhole will appear below the orange line. The key attached to the spine of the tome will fit this lock, then the spells take affect.
         B: Tome of Cold: 22” × 6” × 22”
             Cleric: Resist Cold
             Druid:  Control Temperature, 10’ radius
             Magic-User: Ice Storm, Wall of Ice, Cone of Cold,
                         Otiluke’s Freezing Sphere

             Cleric: Control Weather
             Druid: Chill Metal, Weather Summoning, Control Weather
             Magic-User: Control Weather

         No locks apparent. Opening the book will cause the following spells
         to take affect. Random member of party missile weapons will always strike
         friends. Summon Monster 6 ( 2d4 for quantity). Reduce all prime requisites
          for opener by 3.

    shelf 4. 80 scrolls Dwarvish armor making, 50 gp each if sold to a dwarf armorer

    shelf 5. 10 scrolls Accountant records… columns of numbers

D bookshelf: 2’ × 10’ × 6’

shelf 1. scroll: Magic-User second level, written at twelfth level. 1. Continual Light, Detect Evil, Knock, Rope Trick, Web, Levitation 3,600 gp or 1,200 xp 9 scrolls tanning instructions for different types of hides. shelf 2. 90 scrolls indelible paper, Elvish poetry in Chaotic evil. shelf 3. 19 scrolls indelible paper, inventory of store rooms in CE fifth scroll looked at is: Magic-User written at nineth level: 1. Monster summoning 7 shelf 4. 7 books, herbals listing local plants and their supposed properties 4” × 6” 18” worth 5 gp each shelf 5. 80 scrolls Elvish poetry in wood elf and gray elf ( all tell of woe, and can cause depression in the reader)

Categories Trillolara


Sraa Keep level 5, Trillolara

Room 61) 20’ × 70’ Leather Workers’ room

4 fire beetles Table NW ( northwest) corner: 4’ × 6’ × 4’
a few small leather worker tools and scraps of leather
Table SW ( southwest) corner: 4’ × 6’ × 4’
a few small leather worker tools and scraps of leather
Shelf, north wall: parchment sheets in common, how to sew boots properly rest are empty
Shelf, south wall: empty
Levers: North wall: 2 levers centered 2 feet apart
moving them up or down opens East secret door
When the East secret door is opened: the 3 monsters
will charge in the direction of the arrow marked on the map.
East wall: 2 Magic missiles, (2d4+2) per person moving levers 3 levers 2 feet apart

Room 62) 30’ × 50’ × 18’ Smithy ( 27,000 cubic feet)

3 Su-monsters
Chest: 4’ × 8’ × 4’ trapped: needles in the lock: 1d4 hp, and SR vs. poison
Long sword +2 NG ( non-good, non-neutral take 2d6 +7 hp)
Scroll in a bone tube: Cleric written at 17th level:
1) Symbol, 2) Symbol, 3) Holy Word, 4) Symbol, 5) Regenerate
6) Restoration, 7) Regenerate
5,700 sp; 50 pp
anvil, forge, bellows, shelves and iron bars in east end of room

Room 63) 60’ × 100’ 12’ ( 72,000 cubic feet) Wizard’s Lab ( and trap)

West wall: illusion: noticable by touch, anyone who puts head or arms through
to find out what is on other side will be drawn all the way
through into room 68. Wall becomes one-way to anyone who goes into room 68
to exit room 63, operate the bellows on the side of the fire pit.
Fire Pit south wall: 4’ radius, 3’ thick walls
bellows left side 4’ long, cauldron on other side is 3’ in diameter
Stone slabs near east wall: 10’ × 10’ × 4’ high
south slab: balance and weights, 2 pewter candlesticks, 3 porcelain crucibles,
5 glass flasks, hourglass, 3 iron ladles, mortar and pestle,
elf skull, 6 glass beakers
north slab: 6 glass prisms, 5 incense burners, 10 dark glass jars, 3 empty glass vials
Shelves north wall: start 3’ from floor ( 3 shelves 100’ long, 2’ deep, 6’ high)
jars are 14 inches tall, 2-5 inches in diameter, wooden stoppers
to determine what the characters find:
roll 1d4: if the result is a 1 or 2, roll 1d20
if the result is a 3 , roll 1d12
if the result is a 4 , roll 1d6
( except for the bottom shelf, west end, detailed below
         for the result on a 1d20:
           1) white sand              2) ashes             3) 5 gp worth gold dust ( 5 times max)
           4) dried halfling blood    5) coal              6) dried bees
           7) pine tree sap           8) coal              9) garlic
          10) maple tree sap         11) dried ants       12) coal
          13) a dried bat            14) elf bone powder  15) rancid white wine
          16) cinnamon               17) empty            18) halfling blood
          19) (once) Periapt of Foul Rotting  		  20) (once) Periapt of Proof vs. Poison

         for the result on a 1d12:
           1) dried flies      2) crushed quartz       3) vegetable oil
           4) pepper           5) red sand             6) graphite
           7) mushroom powder  8) dragon dung          9) crushed pumice
          10) crushed marble  11) pepper              12) dwarf blood

         for the result on a 1d6:
           1) dried ants      2) dog dung       3) sulphur
           4) Pearl of Power for Magic-User one-7th level spell (twice)
           5) cloves          6) catnip
bottom shelf, west end, first 10’ of shelf: Belt of Fem/Masc. ( cursed item)
Belt of Giant Strength ( Cloud ) Metal Gauntlets of Fumbling
Northwest corner is a chest: trapped: if trap not located or removed,
opening chest triggers a 100 pound rock slab to fall to the floor. Causing
4d6 hp of damage chest contains 5,000 gp; 2,000 sp
Head Knocker traps: activate when someone comes within 5 feet of the small circled areas
roll 1d10, if result is a 2 or 5, there is a 50 percent chance it
will drop to the floor from the ceiling.
damage: 1d6 with if person is wearing a helm
2d6 without a helm
After 15 minutes in the room:
a 2’ across granite pillar with a steel bar inside appears at the areas
marked in a partial square blocking the exit door.
If anyone states something to the affect that this now looks like a trap,
or the characters attempt to leave:
all of the blue marked pillars appear and block the exit.
When all of the pillars are in place, an 8-headed hydra appears at the
orange oval marked with the number 8.


After 20 more minutes, a 10-headed hydra appears in the area marked.
The pillars wont stop either hydra, but the hydras will act like they are
puzzled by the pillars and wont attempt to pass thru them.
Strazl set all of this up so the hydra would just walk around like the pillars
are not there…

Room 64) 20’ × 50’ × 15’ fake Treasure room and no fog ! (15,000)

A wish must be used to rid anyone who gets a cursed item from this room as their
treasure share. Strazl doesn’t like those who take his monies.
17 chests: 6’ × 4’ × 2’
1 trunk: 8’ × 4’ × 3’
5 coffers: 4’ × 4’ × 2’
      trunk: locked:
        Plate Mail +2 for elf or half-elf ( normal fires within 10' sputter and go out,
                      larger fires cut in half brilliance and heat; lava and dragon
                      breath not affected; Magic-User Flame Strike -1 hp/die;
                      Druid/Magic-User Fire Trap only 75 percent damage;
                      Druid/Magic-User Wall of Fire -1 hp/die; Druid Fire Storm -1 hp/die. )
        5,000 cp; 10,000 sp; 2,000 pp
chest: locked and trapped with Sleep gas ( SR vs. poison or sleep for 1 year, Wish will cancel) 15’ radius
2 jars Sweet water potion; 5,000 cp; forty 100 gp gems; ten 10 gp gems; 1,000 sp
chest: unlocked, but loudly worrying about a trap etc, and it will lock then one Magic Missle, if chest opened, to a random character
10,000 cp; covers ten 1,000 gp gems; ivory scroll tube with a scroll of Cleric spells: 1) Cure Serious Wounds, 2) Divination, 3) Exorcise, 4) Cure Serious Wounds, 5) Neutralize Poison, 6) Cure Serious Wounds a brown ceramic scroll tube containing a scroll of Protection from Earth Elementals
including Xorn chest: unlocked
         5,000 cp; 1,000 sp
         Long sword +2 Lawful Good ( Dragon Slayer +4 vs. true dragons.
            Triple damage vs. copper dragons) When a copper dragon is within
            10 miles distance, the owner/user glows a bright green at the level
            of torchlight.
         metal jar: potion copper dragon control; ceramic jar: potion human control, human

      chest: no lock: trapped with Fire Trap 5’ radius SR vs. magic 1d4 +23 hp
                        only 50 percent chance of normal chances to detect,
                        failure to remove activates trap.

        7,000 pp; Rod of Resurrection ( command word is ‘Wake up ‘!) 47 charges,
                    changes cleric’s gender to opposite. Rod is 3’ long, 0.75 inches
                    in diameter, in a leather case. Rod is made of ivory. Can only
                    be used once per day.

      chest: no lock, no trap
         6,000 sp which cover; 7,000 cp

      chest: locked:
         1,000 sp cover 10,000 cp

      chest: locked

        ivory scroll tube: Druid: Hold Plant
        ivory scroll tube: Magic-User: 1) Monster Summoning III, 2) Passwall,
               3) Feeblemind, 4) Mordenkainen’s Faithful hound
        7,000 cp covers; ten 500 gp gems; twenty 50 gp gems
Coffer: locked
jar: potion invisibility ( its green in color)
Coffer: locked
bone scroll tube: Magic-User: Wizard Lock, 2) Magic Mouth;
3) Detect Invisibility
potion jar: healing ( color is pink with blue streaks)
2,000 cp cover: 2,000 sp
Coffer: unlocked
10 rings which all detect as magic, some have a blue-tinge to them,
others have orange, green, pink, or gray. None are actually magical.
Coffer: unlocked
         potion jar: Frost Giant Control ( ice blue in color)
            ( cursed: when ever a member of the opposite gender stands within
                      3' of the owner of this potion, the owner will itch.
                      If the person stands within 3' for longer than 5 minutes,
                      the owner will start to twitch uncontrollably. )
                      drinker: grows a light fur over entire body in one week.
                               but gets +1 SR vs cold, -1 SR vs. fire attacks
        3,000 cp; 3,000 sp
Gee alot of treasure for a ‘fake’ treasure room. But note its mostly copper and silver pieces. And it makes a nice ‘false trail’ situation.

Room 65) 60’ × 30’ × 15’

huge arrow painted on the floor ( doesn’t mean anything…) 4 gargoyles

Room 66) 24’ × 40’ Gilded Walls Room

5 Gargoyles
The walls appear to be gold-plated, but they are actually lead. This will not be noticed until the pieces cut off are taken to the surface.

Room 67) 12’ × 70’

large blue arrow on floor points right at the secret door 8 hobgoblins
chest: locked
100 gp

Room 68) 60’ × 20’ × 18’ Strazl Deathclaw’s bedroom and library

room 68 bookshelves East wall is a one-way illusion wall from room 63. Can’t be affected by spells as it is totally inert. The only way back is by breaking a hole in the wall. Will take 150 hp by blunt weapons to break through. If the characters take longer than 30 minutes to get out, a 10 headed hydra appears in the room.
South wall: 6’ × 6’ toilet
West wall: book, scroll, papers on shelves B, C, and D
Clothes closet A.
7 old rotted cloaks, 2 are covered by illusion to appear the same as the others.
50% chance to pick either after Detect Illusion is used.
1. Cloak of Poison
2. Cloak of Elvenkind
Northwest corner: Strazl’s ornate wooden bed, 6’ × 10’ with a fine
cloth canopy. Bed glows a greenish-purple. Touch causes 1d6 hp, poison SR at -1
Wooden night stand: 3’ high x 18” diameter
on top of it is a gold candle stick. ( gold plated lead worth 5 gp)
but looks like its worth 1,000 gp. Candle stick has 3 feet in the shape of
the letter T. A wall slot is shaped the same way as the feet. The hole in the
wall is outlined in white paint.
if foot is inserted in hole:
Foot A: 5d6 explosion in a 10’ radius, no SR
Foot B: 10d6 + 10 hp Delayed Fireball covers entire room, SR 1/2 damage.
Foot C: candlestick stays on wall, cannot be removed.
Magic Mouth: [ all these lines spoken ]
“So, you think you will get out alive !
ha, ha, ha !
Take what you will, if you can.”
All persons in rooms 63 and 68 are now teleported to room 64. All torches go out. After 30 minutes in room 64, an 8-headed hydra appears in room 64.

Room 69) 10’ × 40’

3 trolls one-way door into room: Knock to exit
small chest: locked
75 pp

Room 70) 10’ × 50’

south secret door: push from south, use pull handle for north, or Knock 2 levers, one each side of alcove, levers are centered. 1’ long horizontal slot, levers are centered. left lever: moving it teleports group to alcove on south side of room and levers disappear
right lever: moving it causes 2 gargoyles to be teleported into the center of the group
North secret door: open in either direction by elf or half-elf touch, or Knock

Room 71) 20’ × 10’ empty

North secret door: Knock or dwarf touch South secret door: see room 70 description

Room 72) 10’ × 20’ × 15’

Gelatinous cube ( east end of room) 20 cp, 8 sp, 10 ep, 8 gp, 5 pp West secret door: Knock to go in or out, door radiates magic
door is 7’ tall x 10’ wide by 4 inches thick
North secret door: needs Ring of Free action to open, or Dispel Magic

Room 73) 10’ × 50’

any rolled number to listen will hear Ogre laughter Secret door: south wall, west end: push up on a 1 or 2 in d6
Secret door: south wall, east end: found only by non-human, opens by gnome, dwarf, elf touch

Room 74) 20’ × 10’

2 wights
defeat the wights and the south door opens automatically.

Room 75) 20’ × 10’

South secret door: Knock from south, pull ring on north side

Room 76) 40’ × 10’

Gray Ooze Wall, marked ‘illusional wall’ on map, will feel like a dry sponge
Detect Illusion will show it for what it is.
Dispel Illusion or Dispel Magic will remove it.

Room 77) 20’ × 10’

Room 88) 10’ × 10’

South secret door: need Detect Illusion to find, Its Wizard Locked Knock or Dispel Magic
North secret door: push right

Room 89) 10’ × 20’

5 Kobold/Werewolves ( my own invention: these are Kobolds that can turn into Werewolves) [ I’ll add the info to the web site later.]
West secret door: push up to exit
East secret door: push in centers



Sraa Keep level 6-1, Trillolara

Room 101) 20’ × 40’ × 20’ Cistern Room

hand operated windlass to raise and lower bucket. 10’ diameter opening.
The water level has dropped over the years. This is one of the ways
to get to level 9. There are metal rungs in the wall of the cistern.
They start 5’ below the top of the cistern and go down to the ceiling of
level 9. There are no stairs to level 9.

Room 102) 20’ × 50’ × 20’ water storage room

6 vats: 12’ high x 8’ diameter. 603 cubic feet each.
Spigot on each vat. Vats are on 2’ diameter legs. vat 1-5 contain water. vat 6: has an Ochre Jelly in it.

Room 103) 20’ × 30’ × 15’ wine storeroom

15 casks: 4’ diameter, 6’ high ( 75 cubic feet) vat 1: potent wine. Sleep 1d4 turns if drink more than 1 sip
vat 2-8: normal wine
vat 9: empty of wine, 500 gp and two 500 gp gems inside
vat 10-15: empty

Room 104) 60’ × 70’ × 15’ Dining hall ( 63,000 cubic feet)

2 tables: 6’ × 20’ × 4’ high, 2 benches
1 tables: 6’ × 20’ × 5’ high, 2 benches
2 tables: 6’ × 16’ × 4’ high, 1 bench basin SE corner 6’ diameter. bottom 2’ of walls are rough hewn
walls detect as magical. Nothing there.

Room 105) 40’ × 50’ × 15’ Tribunal Court Room

NW corner: 2 benches 4’ × 10’ × 2’ high for audience
North center: witness stand, 4’ × 4’ railing 2’ wide x 5’ high.
East center of wall: Tribunal table and 3 chairs: 4’ × 12’ × 4’ high.
Strazl’s stone throne: dias. 8’ × 8’ × 1’ high. Throne: 4’ × 4’ stone block
with stone back rest. West Secret door: all 3 pressure plates ( 1’ × 1’ × 5’ up from floor, 3’ apart)
behind tribunal’s chairs must be pushed at the same time to open door.
Door then swings outward.

Room 106) 30’ × 30’ × 15’ Storeroom

24 barrels: 4’ diameter x 6’ high. All sealed.
barrel 1: 40 pp in a pouch
barrel 2: rancid bacon
barrel 3: stale mouldy bread
barrel 4-10: stale wheat flour
barrel 11-16: dried fruits in good shape: apples, peaches, apricots
barrel 17: 50 gp under 1’ layer of dried apples in good shape
barrel 18-20: mouldy oats
barrel 21: 750 sp
barrel 22: small amount of water and 5 Killer Frogs
barrel 23-24: empty

Room 107) 20’ × 30’ × 15’ Cooks’ Quarters

3 beds: 4’ × 9’ × 3’ high 3 clothes closets: 2’ × 6’ × 6’ high, rotted clothing small chest: rotted nice clothes covering 25 gp table and 3 chairs.

Room 108) 40’ × 30’ × 15’ Assistant cooks’ quarters

10 bunks: 4’ × 6’ × 3’: clothes racks

Room 109) 50’ × 30’ × 20’ Storage

clothes and items belonging to Strazl’s victims 5 chests: 4’ × 6’ × 2’ high, locked chest 1: rings, bracelets, worth about 1d6 cp each chest 2-3: 200 cp, 75 ep, 10 sp, 2 gp each chest chest 4-5: small wood and cloth items several piles of rotted clothing

Room 110) 70’ × 20’ × 20’ Storage

piles of metal ladles, kettles, wood trenchers, wooden spoons,
wooden forks. Southwest corner: 3 statues. If any object or persons touch them, they become alive. 3 Owlbears East secret door: touch by elf, gnome, or half-elf opens it.
West secret door: touch by elf or half-elf opens it.

Room 111) 20’ × 10’ × 10’

part of passageway leading to tribunal room. Statues in each room are not blocking secret doors, some are facing the wall. When 3 characters enter these rooms, the statues become real monsters. 1 su-monster

Room 112) 10’ × 20’ see room 111

pedistal rotates to face the characters. West secret door: push
South secret door: Kill monster or any non-human touch 1 Owlbear

Room 113) 50’ × 30’ spices storeroom

28 barrels: 4’ diameter x 8’ high items are fresh
      barrel 1: acorns                  barrel 19-23: beets
      barrel 2-4 rapsberries            barrel 24: Mummy ( undead)
      barrel 5: water chestnuts         barrel 25: corn
      barrel 6: sage                    barrel 26: onions
      barrel 7: ginger                  barrel 27: carrots
      barrel 8-14: unpitted olives      barrel 28: 1,000 gp; 75 pp
      barrel 15-18: rice                   ( recent Trillolaran coins)
Table: 4’ × 6’ × 3’ empty

Room 114) 40’ × 60’ × 20’ Kitchen

Basin east wall, detect as magic 6’ × 3’ × 3’ all tables have rusty kitchen utensils on them like forks, graters, and knives. Some rotted food. North wall: 2 tables: 4’ × 10’ × 4’
South wall: 3 tables: 4’ × 10’ × 4’
West wall: 1 table: 4’ × 10’ × 5’ Fire pit: 4’ × 6’ × 4’, attached table: 16’ × 10’ × 4’ ashes in fire pit table center of room: 10’ × 10’ × 4’

Room 115) 10’ × 30’ × 15’ see room 111

East secret door: push down South secret door: kill monster, Dispel Magic, or Magic Missle door 1 fighter ( CE) F 7. Shield +1, Splint mail +3, Long sword +4
Will disappear after being killed

Room 116) 10’ × 10’ × 10’ trap

the 3 skeletons armed with swords appear to be dead beings manacled to the wall. ( The swords are hidden from view.) They will attack if the party enters the room. Scroll in bone tube: “Remember the words of the many thieves of eastern fame,
and you can claim your just reward,
but be careless or careful,
I’ll kill thee by the sword. There is a right place and a wrong,
but either way you will die
when you see me face to face.”

Thats the clue for ‘Open Sesame !’ spoken by Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves. I saw that in a Popeye cartoon years ago. If the characters speak it near the stairs outside of room 101, the stairs will split vertically and move into the corridor walls blocking this way out. A passageway then opens to Level 6 – 2.

Room 117) 10’ x 10’ × 10’ cell empty

rotted straw and rusty manacles

Room 118) 10’ × 20’ × 15’ see room 111

East secret door: push right on a 1-3 on a d6
South secret door: Kill monster or non-human touch 1 Troll

Room 119) 10’ × 10’ × 12’

West secret door: push on 1-2 on a d6
South secret door: half-elf or elf push up, Ranger push up. Chest: 2’ × 4’ × 2’
Scroll tube: 2 Cure Serious Wounds
50 pp; Potion brown bottle and liquid is brown in color: Fire Resistance

Room 120) 10’ × 10’ × 10’ empty cell, dusty, rusted manacles

Room 121) 20’ × 10’ × 15’ see room 111

North secret door: push on a 1-2 on d6 South secret door: Kill monster or any female touch 2 Minotaurs

Room 122) 10’ × 10’ × 1’ Cell, empty, dusty

Room 123) 10’ × 10’ × 10’

North secret door: only a woman’s touch can open: push South secret door: only a woman can find: open with push

Room 124) 20’ × 10’ × 15’ see room 111

North secret door: any human touch or Dispel Magic or Knock South secret door: push 1-4 on d6 Housewife carrying a baby in her arms
Stays a statue when activated, but will draw a knife and advance on the group. If the group attacks, they disintegrate and the attackers take -10 Charisma ( perm) If anyone tries to help her, she and the baby become flesh. Party members receive +1 Intelligence and +1 Charisma ( perm). She knows nothing of this keep.

Room 125) 10’ × 10’ × 8’ Toilet

hole in floor, smells like it was used recently.

Room 126) 20’ × 16’ × 20’ Fines Treasury

chests are locked Chest 1: 5,000 ep; three 50 gp gems Chest 2: 750 gp; one 2,000 gp jewelry Chest 3: 5,000 cp; Sling of Seeking +2 2 giant scorpions To find the rest of the dungeon, in addition to the 1. ‘Open Sesame’ mentioned earlier, 2. characters say something to the affect “I wonder if there is any more to this dungeon ?” within 30 feet of the correct stairs. 3. If the housewife is with them. This makes the housewife a liability for the characters as she is unskilled in combat. And will refuse to join them in combat. They either have to find a way to get the stairs to close so they can take her to Fondfield, or defend her for the rest of the adventure, get her to go down the cistern, etc. A difficult task.

Level 6 – 2

Sraa Keep level 6-2, Trillolara

Room 128) 10’ × 50’ × 15’

dusty floor, small footprints lead down the corridor to this room
and to the stone block west end. obviously moved/ajar stone (granite) block: 2’ × 2’ × 2’ ( weighs 13,600 gp wt) thief will be unable to find the springs on the lid of stone box If 2 or more characters try to move stone block:
the spring loaded lid will fly back.
if any are behind lid, it will hit for 3d4 hp. 4 darts will hit any who lift the stone box. 2d4 hp per dart contains: 5 sp of triangular shape. Isle of Jester coins.
worth 2 pp each. Any Trillolaran Money changer will inform
the Town/City guard after the characters leave the money
change shop unless a King’s Henchmen is with the group.
( Unknown to the players, until much later, some of the NPCs
they hired were Henchmen of the King. Watch on the New Adventurers,
so to speak. )

Room 129) 20’ × 20’ × 20’

stone block, resembling a door, on west wall
slightly ajar. 4’ × 6’ high
wont open.
After 10 minutes will close all of the way and exit from room will disappear. The room feels as if it is moving downwards; however, it is just vibrating. The south passage disappears and the exit reopens after 5 minutes. a Detect Illusion will find the south passage.

Room 130) 10’ × 16’ × 10’ Ogre’s Treasure Room

what is small to an Ogre, is obvious to smaller creatures: Stone club blocking the closing of the door. Strazl is allowing the Ogres to relax here on their way to the Mountains of Death. Chest: 2’ × 3’ × 2’
240 gp and an amber necklace held together by an unknown wire/metal type. All but an Other Merchant will give 1,000 gp for it. An Other Merchant will give 10,000 gp for it. This is actually a Necklace of Adaptation with the ability to prevent paralyzation by any undead. It was made by an Other years ago.

Room 131) 20’ × 20’ × 20’ Ogre’s resting area

5 Ogres one is always on watch. The walls glow a light green from the lichen. They have huge stone clubs, 1d10 + 1 hp, requires at least Ogre strength to use. Their money is in room 130. Secret door: 1-19 in 20 to find. Push open 1-6 in 6.

Room 132) 30’ × 60’ × 20’ Statue Room Statue is 15’ high. Small wall on three sides: 2’ thick x 3’ high. a flame pit at the ends of the U-shape wall. Flames rise 7’ from the flame pits.
While the statue is vaguely reptillian in shape, it has no discernable features to determine what kind of reptile. The inscription on the floor, near the flame pits, says, “yes or no”.

This means that the statue will answer 5 questions per day that can be answered by a yes or a no. 80 percent chance the answer is correct. The statue’s eyes open when it answers.

Room 133) bizzare special room

When entered from the southwest door, the room will be seen as a triangular
space as long as the group is looking North. If they turn around, it looks rectangular 90’ × 90’ × 20’ If they enter by room 133 by room 163, it looks rectangular looking south.
and looks triangular if they look North. Sign on ‘east’ wall: ( disappears after being read. ) “Go in circles and your treasure and souls are mine,
Stick to the straight and narrow and my treasure is thine.”

Room 134) 30’ × 20’ × 20’ – 10’ × 30’ × 10’ dusty

no prints in the dust nor sign the dust has been disturbed 2 subterranean lizards chest: 3’ × 4’ × 2’ rotted, characters can see the coins inside
bones on floor in front of chest
ten 500 gp gems ( peridots: transparent rich olive green)
1,000 ep

Room 163) double L-shaped room 10’ x q16’ x 10’ - 50’ × 6’ × 10’ – 6’ × 38’ × 10’

West secret door: 1 in 6 to find. Push 1-5 in 6. East door: pull ring

Level 6 – 3

Sraa Keep level 6-3, Trillolara

Room 135) 20’ × 40’ × 20’ Room of the Faceless Nude and the Bodiless face

2 Minotaur guards East wall: a painting of a beautiful woman, the face is extremely distorted to seemingly show the evil and cruelty inside, covers the entire wall. The painting stops before it reaches the hairline, ears, or the neck. No eyebrows. North wall: painting of a reclining female figure draped in a silk garment with the
midriff exposed. The face is missing starting at the front of the ears,
past the hairline, past the neck; the navel has been painted sky blue,
her teeth are pearly white, and the fingernails are painted the color
of dried blood. She would be considered beautiful by any era. North secret door: press on the navel to open the secret door.

Room 136) 24’ – 45’ × 10’ -20’ × 20’ cave

rocks are stalagmites and stalagtites that have grown together.
( stalagtites are the ones on the ceiling.)
The room is very damp. Water is dripping all over the room making walking difficult. 75 percent chance to fall per 5 minutes in the room. Chest: 1’ × 1’ × 1.5’
two 2,000 gp gems; 50 cp from Isle of Fools. Possession of these coins while
in Trillolara is a crime. fine of 5,000 gp or 1 year of servitude to the
local government. Any NPC over 5th level will recognize these coins
for what they are. Black market price is 10 pp each. 1 carrion crawler

Room 137) 30’ × 15’ × 20’ roughly oval

after the group is in the room for 2 turns 3 Minotaur guards will silently show up.

Room 138) 50’ 60’ × 15’ octagonal

on ceiling near west wall is a small bobbing light. if left alone it is harmless: if attacked it becomes 3 Will-O-Wisps if they go below 5 hp, a 5’ × 5’ panel slides down on the wall.
then a tongue of stone shoots out 12’ ( has a rim like a low trough)
revealing the wisp’s treasure. However, they can use this as a weapon:
0’ – 10’ out from wall: 2d8 + 4 hp
10’ – 12’ out from wall: 1d8 + 4 hp Each group member has a 10 percent chance to step on one of the gems, unless they are careful were they walk. 2,000 cp; 1,000 gp; 3,000 pp; ten 500 gp gems; ten 100 gp gems

Room 139) 30’ × 30’ × 10’

block outside room will move to block passageway after party in room for 5 minutes.

Room 140) 20’ × 70’ × 10’ gas outside room

pale yellow gas blinds for 1d6 turns, SR vs. poison 1 roper in gizzard: 11 pp ; seven 500 gp gems ; seven 10 gp gems

Room 149) 40’ × 10’ × 10’

stairs south end lead to level 7B – 3 Giant Slug Migration Path

Room 206) 30’ × 20’ × 15’ Dancing Gargoyles Room

30 wingless gargoyles are dancing to the Minuet. A Chamber Orchestra is heard and not seen. Any character stepping into the room without doing one of the following, is teleported to room 75. 1) singing to the music or trying to figure out
what it is: “what was the name of that tune”, etc. 2) humming to the music 3) asking if they are dressed according to the era of the music. When the groups enters this room, the gargoyles will freeze in position.
The large chest in the middle of the room will raise its lid.
A 4’ wide green path forms from the group to the chest. A sign forms on the inside of the chest: “Choose one and live,
take all,
and you will fall !” 1) very large sack: 2,000 ep
2) small sack: one 7,000 gp gem; one 10,000 gp gem
3) small sack: one 1,200 gp jewelry
4) medium sack: 500 cp
5) medium sack: 500 pp Nothing happens if they take all of the items in the chest. There could be a giant gong that rings. Then smile.

Categories Trillolara


Sraa Keep level 7a -1, Trillolara

go to Level 7a – 2

Room 141) 40’ × 10’ × 15’ – 20’ × 10’ × 15’ - 30’ × 40’ × 15’ – 10’ × 20’ × 20’

3 carnivorous apes

painting on south wall of a sailing ship in a storm at sea. The ship glows
a pale green. if anyone touches the ship, all torches go out and the person
touching it glows pale green for 1d6 +4 turns.

( if the anyone looks closely at the stern of the ship, they will see:
‘The Flying Dutchman’ ) My players and I had a little interaction going between
them and the painting.

Room 142) partially triangular room

southwest wall sign in Dwarf:

“easy come easy WENT, to go BY sea or a way that is more SECRET
than a mine or TUNNEL TO the cave of the fearsome MOJ.
well, dwarf, it is up to you to reveal the words.”

North secret door: will open if the dwarf reveals all of the message
and the capitalized words. Nothing else, short of a Wish, will
open that door. Of course, the characters could always go around.

Room 143) 20’ × 10’ × 10’

the walls glow a sickly yellow

both chests are: 4’ × 3’ × 2’ high

left hand chest: a mimic

right hand chest:
30 pp; what appears to be a Cleric scroll: Bless. If used as such, the actual
contents of the scroll will vanish. Its actually: 7 spells of 5th level:
1) Atonement, 2) Plane Shift, 3) Quest, 4) Raise Dead, 5) Atonement,
6) True Seeing, 7) Atonement

Room 144) 30’ × 10’ × 15’ – 10’ × 10’ × 10’ empty

push on left side of secret door

Room 145) 30’ × 20’ × 15’

7 Devils, lemure

East wall a painting of a man holding what appears to be a gold mask in front of his face.

Any lawful touch painting: 1d6 hp and in 5 turns start to weaken in strength and constitution ( -1 per round). Stops at the end of 1 turn, and slowly go back up at the rate of +1 per turn.

Any chaotic touch: ( only works once) gets a Limited Wish, if use this limited wish to help a lawful being, the chaotic being takes 2d10 hp with a minimum of 5 hp

Room 146) 30’ × 50’ × 20’ ( 30,000 cubic feet)

door has a sign on it:
“Wax Museum”

You could easily call this a major trap room.

All figures are on a 6 inch high stone platform

Northwest corner:

A cloaked figure is racking a young woman
the cloaked figure is a Zombie: cannot be turned
the young woman is a female wood elf Fighter 5, Chaotic Good
6 months after rescue, the group will receive 75 pp and a
Ring of Protection +2. She will help fight if given armor and weapons.

South west corner:
A cloaked figure is choking a small boy
The cloaked figure is a wraith and will act like a Zombie until meleed
The young boy is a Brownie, wont fight. But 6 months after rescue party
will receive 100 pp and a dagger +1

Northeast corner:

A cloaked figure is about to chop off the head of a young woman:
the cloaked figure is an unturnable Zombie
the young woman is a werewolf in human form. Will change into a
werewolf and attack.

Southeast corner:

A cloaked figure is about to close an iron maiden on a young man
The cloaked figure is an unturnable Zombie.
the young man is a werewolf in human form. Will change into a
werewolf and attack.

The figures are Statue spelled and then illusioned to appear as they are
described. Stepping on any platform or opening the chest will activate
all figures and change them from stone to flesh, but the illusions stay.

Chest: by south wall: 6’ × 8’ × 4’ high

opening it shows a young woman who has been beaten and placed in the chest. is actually a Succubus. Will kiss the first person who reaches into the chest. 1,200 pp; 150 sp; one 12,000 gp jewelry of platinum and a large ruby. five 1,100 gp wrought gold necklaces; five 300 gp ivory bracelets; 1 metal jar with a potion of Frost giant strength in it. chain mail +4 (human sized 5’ 6” to 6’ 3” tall); Cloak of Elvenkind; Amulet of Proof against Detection and Location; bone tube holds a scroll for Illusionists: 6 level 4 spells 1) Shadow Monsters, 2) Massmorph, 3) Emotion, 4) Improved Invisibility, 5) Emotion, 6) Confusion [ chest is 25,007.5 gp equiv] also see room 207

Room 147) 50’ × 50’ × 25’ trap

Illusion of 2 Ogres counting the money in a large chest

After all characters are inside, 2 feet in diameter rock beams in and appears at 2 second intervals at points marked. Only the usual spells to remove rock will work: Passwall, Rock to Mud, Knock; they can use Lightning Bolt but those will bounce.

Manacled to the far wall is an elf, illusioned to be a ghostly figure. Sella is a Chaotic Neutral, high elf: Fighter 3/Magic-User 3/Thief 3 Touch or spell to dispel the illusion, if rescued will join the group.

Room 148) 30’ × 50’ × 20’ ( 30,000 cubic feet)

just inside the rooms’ door is a programmed illusion of a barbershop quartet singing
“Beware, beware when you are down below ! Oh ! Beware when you are down below !”
They disappear but now the:

3 Carnivorous apes are alerted.

( Yes, I know such quartets probably didn’t exist in the Middle Ages, but this is such a deadly dungeon I wanted to add something to lighten up the situations.)

Room 207) 30’ × 10’ × 25’ ( 7,500 cubic feet)

Demon type 6 appears to have back to the party. This is an illusion.
He is actually facing the party. If they don’t cast Detect Illusion, they only have a
5 percent chance to spot it. Otherwise the Demon has surprise for 2 melee segments.
2,000 ep; 100 pp; nine 100 gp gems; Bag of Transmuting; Metal jar potion of Climbing; ivory tube containing magic-user scroll: 1) Scare, 2. Leomund’s Trap

Room 215) 10’ × 60’ × 10’ – 50’ × 10’ × 10’

Chest: trapped: if opened the door locks and the east-west part of the room
lowers at 5’ per turn. At the end of 20 minutes, only the north-south part
of this room is stil here.
Scroll: 3 Passwall spells, with a small bag of sesame seeds attached to scroll.
Scroll: Disintegrate with a small bag containing a lodestone attached to scroll
Scroll: Word of Recall ( Cleric runes on outside of scroll ‘use this for your
escape’ check for failure all 3 scrolls, but they all work anyway.
If the Word of Recall scroll is used, it takes the caster to level 5 room 68.

Sraa Keep level 7a -2, Trillolara

Special Note: stairs 16 goes under the passageway to room 154

Rooms 150 through 154 are on the same physical level.

There are metal rungs that go from the passageway down to the stairs.

Rooms 151 and 152 have drop offs down to the stairs and passageway.

Room 150) 20’ × 20’ × 20’ empty

green arrow painted on floor points to northeast corner
East secret door: touch by anyone and it opens

Room 151) 10’ × 30’ × 20’ trap

slope is not discernable until several of the group are in the room

They will slide and go through the painted paper wall between this room
and the stairs. 5 percent per character to notice its not rock.
character falling distance and damage taken
             exit part of room
      left side      middle        right side
      59'             68'            78'		distance  dropped
      5d6 + 2 hp      6d6 + 2 HP     7D6 + 2 HP		damage
      2.8 seconds     3.2 seconds    3.6 seconds	time of drop
Feather fall ring or spell will save
Special Note: stairs 16 goes under the passageway to room 154
Stairs 16 leads to level 8, Strazl’s and his pet’s location.

Room 152) 10’ × 20’ × 20’ empty

Secret door: find 1-2 in 6, push on bottom of door

Room 153) 30’ × 20’ × 20’

a woman is working in this room. She is totally oblivious to any who approach
or try to talk to her or try to touch her.

A Comprehend Languages spell will allow communication to take place.
She will answer all questions with this:
“See, I first take this and then add [words not translate] making
certain that the [words not translate] is fastened securely.
Making certain of course that [words not translate] is [words not translate]
before a [words not translate] is added.”

If any of the group wishes her well, or words to that affect, the following occurs.
Her arm, no matter how long it has to extend to reach, touches the person
who said that to her, on their nose, regardless of what is in the way.
roll 1d4

1. the ability to detect evil at 50” for 3 adventures
2. the ability to cure 4 hp of damage 15 times
3. the ability to be invulnerable, as the potion, once
4. Nothing, just feel good.
DM note: She is in another dimension and at tech level 21.

Room 154) 80’ × 60’ × 40’ ( 192,000 cubic feet)

the plug shown in the passageway will close off retreat and remain closed until all
monsters or all characters are dead.

2 Type 5 demons where shown.
arms 1,3,5 have battle axes 2d8; arms 2,4,6 have broad swords 2d8
20,000 gp; Rope of Entanglement; Bag of Tricks (type 1-5)


Copyright by me, Jim. 1980-2050

Unless held by others.