
Area map of Sraa Keep, Trillolara

updated Fondfield/Sraa Keep area maps.

all of the Sraa Keep pngs in one zip file. Click here to download. 8.3 megabytes

Just a short horse ride from Fondfield. Seemingly just a small ruin, with a few levels of increasing difficulty… until the magic words are spoken. A stairway, the only way out, splitting vertically and moving into the walls. A hidden passage way leading further into the ridge beneath the ruins. A feeling of Evil Afoot. The finding of a Red Dragon, chained to the floor ! And a druid exclaiming during a fight with an unknown being in the vaulted ceiling, “Nyah ! Nyah ! Couldn’t hit the broadside of a barn from the inside !” And the resulting carnage of many of the party dieing instantly … Well, lets not lop off the heads of the adventurers until its time !

Sraa Keep. Home of one, like the leaders of Quasqueton, who helped those living nearby surmount the ravages of invasion. When actually the Master of Sraa Keep only wanted to harm those Good living nearby, not allow strangers to do it.


The sheet of info given to the players.

The former owner of this keep did many good deeds, and rumors of many evil ones. When he moved into this area, he was hailed as the help that common folk of this border area needed. There had been recent incursions of Nomads from the south, and ogre and orc groups from The Great Open. Khmoj, later called Fondfield, was the home of many fewer folks then, not yet the military area commander’s fort town.

Occasionaly folks vanished from the surrounding farms. It was never really proven that Strazl Deathclaw, owner of this keep, was guilty of this. Since the disappearances happened after he arrived here, folks did become suspicious of him. Strazl moved here after the disappearance of the owners of Quasqueton. A later invasion of a Nomad horde was seemingly destroyed by Strazl and his men. Rumor has it that as they swept across this area, they demanded the surrender of Sraa Keep. A ranger had spotted them and went to the Border Guard for help. Help could not arrive quickly as the nearest castle was several days away. Several companies of heavy cavalry were sent to Strazl’s aid. He met them about 5 miles from his keep, saying he did not need their assistance. The men-at-arms left after noting the Nomads had disappeared.

In later years the area became wild and desolate. Few lived on this ridge, except for those at Sraa Keep.

Years later, it was rumored Sraa Keep had been destroyed. The only surviving witness was a shepherd who was some miles away when it happened. He had decided to take his flock to the lower slope of this ridge. His tale was not believed after statements such as ‘The entire sky lit up in and around the evil one’s keep ! The storm swirled ‘round and ‘round ! and then, then this giant hand reached down out of the clouds and snapped the keep off like it was a twig on a tree !” He became quite mad a short time later and then died in agony. Since Fondfield is just a few miles away, and any such phenomenon could easily have been seen and no mage, druid, or cleric felt such a disturbance, it most likely didn’t happen the way the shephard claims it did. The keep is destroyed, and few stones are left of it. It is doubtful anyone carted them off for building materials. This area has long been shunned. From time to time a hunter will disappear in the area of the keep. Strazl, according to tales, looked human and was rumored to be a high level magic-user, but who can tell in those long ago dark days ? Seeming is not always what a being actually might be. There are those who Watch, but in those days such were not available everywhere. From part of a report by Sherrif Bobcha Wood, some 50 years before the adventurers hear of this keep


A rumor poem they can find out in Fondfield.

What is obvious, usually isn't.
What is unobvious usually is.
Sometimes the obvious is doubly so.
Sometimes the unobvious is half so.

Talk about obtuse ! (smile) There are several rooms it can be considered the poem is speaking about. I made it up as a non-specific poem to get my mostly new to the game players to think about what they were doing in this dungeon.


The area about Sraa Keep

As the group approaches the path, they see an area that looks like a poorly kept path. Thats the first 30 feet. The rest of the path looks like its been there for some time, and marginally maintained, but no footprints. The path is 10’ wide. The only brush or trees nearby is close to the stone head detailed below. There are a few grotesque dead trees here as well.

Touching the left-hand orange path causes 1 hp of damage and intense pain for every 6 feet of travel.

Walking along the orange path closest to the Keep, causes a loud squealing sound to sound like it is coming out of the woods. Sound occurs each one hundred feet of path walked. Any attempt to walk into the woods is almost impossible as its very thick. If they do manage to get into the trees, the orange path doesn’t go very far.

The black path goes east to a line of brush. Behind the brush is a large stone head of a caveman. Its 8’ wide, 7’ deep, and 5’ high. If a Neutral Good or Chaotic Good character touches it, they get a Limited Wish. Any other touching it will receive 1 hp of damage. In either case it disintegrates immediately. So, one hp of damage or one Limited Wish.

Rest of the area is bare earth with a greenish-brown color with large red splotches from 5-30’ across. Here and there the ground is shaped into a Nomad’s face in great agony. There are about 200 of these ‘faces’ visible from the path. The numbers increase the closer the group gets to the Keep.

The area within 150’ of the Keep is covered by a spotty mist from ground level to 6 inches thick. The maximum distance the ground can been seen through the mist is 100 feet. Patches about 10’ across shift randomly across the earth.

The Keep remnants are 5’ high. No rubble or other stones.

The moat is dry, but the group hears water sounds when they get within 75 feet of the moat.

The sounds will detect as illusion/audible glamer.

Any attempt to touch the ‘water’ will result in pain and 1 hp of damage. Any attempt to toss anything into the moat, and the character’s hand will not open, etc.

Most of this is ‘stage affects’ to get their attention that something odd is going on, but the main Bad Guy will know they are here if they do any powerful magic.


Inside the tunnels and passageways of Sraa Keep

wall sconces every 5 feet, 5 feet above the floor, few have torches in them.

The wood doors are 7’ high, 6’ wide, and 3 inches thick

Stone, mostly secret, doors are 7 ‘ high, 4 feet wide, and 5 inches thick.

There is a marginally poisonous fog on all levels. After one game-hour of exposure: SR vs. poison every 10 minutes or temporarily lose one point of Strength. Lasts until the main Bad Guy is killed while they are inside Sraa Keep or they spend one game-hour away from Sraa Keep.

           Torch         lantern       bullseye lantern
levels 1 and 2   30'             20'             33'
levels 3 and 4   20'             10'             23'
levels 5 and 6   10'              5'             11'
rest of levels are normal.

Infravision 45’ on all levels.

Continual Light and Light spells cause so much glare they are useless.

Once the main bad guy is killed; the fog, the orange paths, faces in the dirt, red splotched earth, pain, low light levels, infravision restrictions, all go away as the dead are now resting easy and the Bad Guy, who is stage-managing these affects, is gone…

Certainly, somebody in the group could decide to try and dissipate the fog, but then the Bad Guy would then get upset and cause the ceiling to collapse…



floor to  floor     distance    floor
surface     1        25’         10- 15’
1           2        25’         10- 13’
2           3        30’         15- 18’
3           4        35’         20- 23’
4           5        38’         20- 26’
5           6        45’         25’
6           7        55’         25- 25’
7           8        78’         28- 53’
8           9       150’         80-120’


level passage maximum room height heights 1 10’ 15’ 2 12’ 15’ 3 12’ 15’ 4 12’ 15’ 5 15’ 18’ 6 20’ 20’ 7 20’ 30’ 8 25’ 50’ 9 30’ 70’


Stairs information:

The stairs are rather odd, in that they are not very clear from this chart on how they connect to everything. You can only get from 7A to 7B by going back to level 6. This is the first dungeon I created from scratch, and it kinda shows it… I did get compliments, as hard as that may be to believe. I didn’t start labelling corridors until I drew up Dwarf Home. I might renumber the rooms to make it easier to follow the maps. I know I’m having a hard time doing that.

stair    stair   stair   stair           from level            to level
number   height  length  angle
  1        25'     39.73'  51 degrees      surface                1  room 2
  2        25'     39.73'  51                 1  room 10          2  room 20
  3        30'     53.65'  56                 2  room 30          3  hallway to rooms 38, 39
  4        30'     53.65'  56                 2  room 17          3  hallway to room 40
  5        30'     53.65'  56                 3  room 35   up to  2  room 22
  6        35'     70'     60                 3  room 33          4  room 86 (dead end)
  7        35'     70'     60                 3  room 33          4  room 79 (dead end)
  8        35'     70'     60                 3  room 33          4  hallway to rooms 48,49,50,55
  9        35'     70'     60                 3  room 33          4  room 53
 10        35'     70'     60                 3  room 42          4   rooms 47/127
 11        38'     80.9'   62                 4  room 53          5   hallway to rooms 67, 70
 12        45'     80.5'   56                 5  room 61          6-1 hallway to room 104, 123
 13        55'    110'     61                 6-2 near room 129   7b-2 hallway/172
 14        55'     63.51'  30                 6-3 room 149        7b-2 giant slug path
 15        55'     69.8'   38                 6-3 hallway/139     7a-1 hallway/142,148
 16        78'    171.81'  63                 7a-1 near room 215  8 room 156
cistern on level 6 room 101 leads to level 9 passageway/cavern exit 40' drop to floor
                      metal rungs start 5' from top of cistern.
cistern on level 8 room 161 leads to level 9 Strazl's Real Treasure Room and emergency hide out.
                      metal rungs start 5' from top of cistern. 30' drop to floor

Steep stairs ? Yes, but there are two ‘wells’ that connect some of the levels. Might be ‘safer’ than the stairs.

Map 7b_2 is under map 6_1: this dungeon many of the levels are not under each other. Levels 1-4 are below the one above it. 7A and 7B are not connected except by traveling first to level 6.

Categories Trillolara


Sraa Keep level 1, Trillolara

Why yes, I did suddenly find a chart for magic fountains just before I started designing this scenario…

Room 1) 20’ × 30’ × 15’ at center 7’ high walls at sides: Guard Room

The 2 ghouls placed 100 cp on the floor and covered them mostly with dust to act as a lure for adventurers. Weapon racks on walls and in room: 6.5’ high x 6’-8’ long x 2’ deep all are empty except one has a mace +2 ( user/owner glows green in the dark) empty weapon racks. part of a chair. written on one of the weapon racks: “Do not wander”

Room 2) 30’ × 30’ entrance to first level

dusty, dirty, mud, leaves, no foot prints. Torch stub to left of entrance. stairs number 1 connects this area to the surface. North secret door: two palm prints 4’ apart 4.5’ up from floor elf touch opens or Knock South secret door: palm print 3’ from floor gnome touch to operate or Knock if non-gnome touch, toucher gets 1d4+1 Magic Missile

Room 3) 30’ × 30’ empty

Type 1 demon Opening the door to this room will bring the demon out of stasis. Will attack anyone opening the door as it was tormented by Strazl

Room 4) 10’ × 10’

my old map shows a monster, but I have no info as to what it might have been.

Room 5) 10’ × 10’ empty

West secret door: only opens from room 6 East secret door: opens when door in west wall is closed

Room 6) 30’ × 40’ store room

57 barrels: 4’ high x 2’ diameter barrel 1: 75 percent full of what looks like gold pieces that when taken three miles from Sraa Keep revert to copper pieces (thousands of coins)
barrels 2-7: rye flour
barrels 8-18: dried apples
barrels 19-27: empty
barrels 28-38: salt
barrels 39-43: sunflower seeds
barrels 44-54: empty
barrel 55: 600 gp jewelry
barrel 56: 1,300 gp jewelry
barrel 57: 1,400 gp jewelry
owner/wearer of any of these jewelries, their eyes will turn red and glow in dark.Wont give nor interfere with Infravision. Cure Disease or Dispel Magic to get rid of these items.
East secret door: push on bottom

Room 7) 20’ × 30’ × 12’ embalming room

the stone block has very dried blood on it. Floor is dusty North secret door: cannot be opened from this direction Elf runes on west wall: “Place of Rest before the Last” Rubbish pile Northwest corner:
under it is a Ring of Protection +4 AC/+2 SR; item is cursed.
Small children, dogs, and cats run from the wearer.
small slot on south side of the stone slab:
any hand placed inside will trigger needle traps
1d6 for number of needles.
1-2: 2 needles
3-4: 1 needle
5-6: 3 needles
each needle does 1d4 hp. If 3 needles are activated: victim must Saving roll vs. poison +2 if miss SR sleep for 2 weeks. Remove Curse to awaken before then.

Room 8) 50’ × 50’ × 15’ Burial room

21 coffins: 17 are 3’ × 6’; one is 4’ × 6’; one is 4’ 8’, two are 6’ × 8’ crypt marked ‘A’ contains 5 ghouls inside the crypt is a Scroll of Protection from Type 1, 2, and 3 demons and 50 pp

Room 9) 20’ × 60’ × 12’

Door in east wall is a trap: one Magic Missile (1d4+ 1) for each attempt to open, 2d4 +2 hp for third attempt. Its a false door. Entrance door to room is a one-way door and if not blocked open it will close by itself. Door will take HP 30 at AC 10 to be opened. If it is hit more than 8 times:
a Gelatinous cube pops into room 93:
Only item in it is a dagger that detects as magic, but isn’t.
If a dwarf holds the dagger a Magic Mouth says:
“(belch !) Gee, you smell terrible runt !”
1-5 in 20 chance it will break each melee round if used in combat.

Room 10) 50’ × 60’ × 12’

3 bugbears, one long sword each There are few ways to leave this room: 1) go to next level
2) wear Ring of Free Action within 5 feet of door,
3) use Knock on door
4) 2 cure light wounds on door
The stairs, number 2, go down to second level room 20

Room 11) 100’ × 20’ × 12’ ( 24,000 cubic feet) Meeting Room

2 rows of benches north to south, bench: 2’ × 6’, 16 benches
under front left bench is 2 jars of Keoghtum’s Ointment, 5 applications each.
under front right bench is a large spider large chair south end of room.
trapped: if moved all within room get 1d4+1 Magic Missle damage

Room 12) 20’ × 30’ × 12’ empty room

absolutely clean

Room 13) 20’ × 90’ × 12’ store room

west end: pile of stone blocks: 2’ × 2’ × 4’ pile is 20’ × 8’ high x 10’ deep Inside the pile of blocks are: one pair Boots of Elvenkind east end: Fountain: Any who touch basin or water are compelled to drink. Its clean water, not magical.

Room 14) 20’ × 40’ × 12’ Chapel

8 benches 2’ × 6’ all face away from east end of room basins NE and SE corners, 4’ × 4’ × 5’ high, no water Archer figure on South wall:
        6' tall human. The bow and quiver project from wall:
          Magic-User  touch: Magic Mouth 'thank you for freeing me"
          Illusionist touch: Magic Mouth 'thank you for freeing me"
          Cleric      touch: Magic Mouth 'thank you for freeing me"
          Druid       touch: Magic Mouth 'thank you for freeing me"
          Fighter     touch: fighter takes 1d6 hp.
          multi-class fighter: -100 experience points
figure disappears, bow and quiver of 6 arrows drop to floor. South secret door opens. Inside Sraa Keep the bow and the arrows are +6 to hit and damage each. Outside Sraa Keep the bow and arrows are +1 to hit and damage each.

Room 15) 40’ × 30’ × 12’ ( 14,400 cubic feet) Fountain room

Fountain in Southeast (SE) corner, 16’ radius basin 8’ radius basin glows red, water glows blue If a character can reach the basin without touching water in main area, drinks will benefit the characters, otherwise detriment. 1 in 20 chance of falling in. If fall 1d4 hp damage to character. ( I used magic fountain tables from a magazine article.) a pearl can be found in the basin: Periapt of Proof against Poison +4, will become a permanent part of the character. The third PC to look at it, becomes GEASed to swallow it. ( No SR)

Room 16) 10’ × 30’ × 12’ ( 3,600)

3 barrels: 20” diameter x 4.5’ tall 1) 5,000 gp
2) empty
3) gray ooze
Secret door: pressure plate 10’ up, 3’ above door

Room 90) 10’ × 10’

North door see room 14: South secret door will open when all of party are in this room, of course a large group wont all fit. Knock will also open the secret door.

Room 91) 10’ × 80’ × 12’ (9,600)

Gargoyle West Secret door: only open from room 8 crypt A or 2 Knocks Crypt A is the large ‘A’ on the map.
North secret door: only open if all of party are in alcove for room 99, then will open itself. Knock can be used as well.
East door: (trap) if tried Magic Missle d4+2 to opener.

Room 92) 10’ × 20’ empty

Room 93) 10’ × 10’ empty

east door: enter from room 9 only, or Knock

Room 94) 40’ × 10’ empty

dried blood on floor, any elf will recognize it as elf blood cannot enter room 5 from this direction unless use Knock ( its a one-way door) East Secret door: if touched by PC under 5’ 10” tall, it will open.
any others take 1-3 hp.
after door opens the door becomes part of the wall. North door: push

Room 97) 30’ × 10’ × 12’

North secret door: pushes open from room 97, or use Knock South secret door: 1. opens automatically if the earlier Periapt of Proof vs. Poison is found 2. 2 PC under 6’ 6” touch two blue plates on west wall. on west wall are some ceramic squares: ( 5 high x 4 wide) 4 blue, 4 green, 4 orange, 4 yellow: somewhat randomly on wall

Room 98) 10’ × 10’

Gargoyle East secret door: opens by gnome or elf touch

Room 99) 10’ × 10’ × 10’ alcove

see room 91 for opening secret door

Room 100) 10’ × 30’ ( smell of apricots outside room)

Ogre HD 4 +1
has a 9” pouch with a key that opens door on south wall.
Turn key to left to open.

Categories Trillolara


Sraa Keep level 2, Trillolara

Room 17) 40’ × 40’ × 12’

Owlbear South Secret door: 1 lever both sides of door, both are down. Both must be up for door to open. Stairs, number 4, goes down to level 3 hallway to room 40

Room 18) 30’ × 70’

Stag Beetle fresco on north wall glows slightly, a pale blue. Its a picture of 10 barbarians bowing to a magic-user

Room 19) 50’ × 60’ barracks

32 bunks, 1 row of bunks between Ogres and the door.
They are cooking their food.
Their laughter can be heard from the stairs in room 20. 2 Ogres ( Graz has 70 gp and Raglt has 50 gp) in a bunk in the southeast corner is a rotting blanket, under the blanket is 350 pp

Room 20) 30’ × 50’

about 5-6 dwarf and elf bones stairs, number 2, go up to level 1 room 10

Room 21) 30’ × 20’ Guard Room

broken spears, slashed water skin, leather glove ( all too large for human use)

Room 22) 30’ × 20’

3 ghouls stairs, number 5, only connect to third level room 35 This room, unless the characters dig or use a spell, is not otherwise accessible from level 2.

Room 23) 40’ × 30’

broken sword blade, no handle/grip

Room 24) 70’ × 40’

6 ghouls due to the Evil here, cannot be turned.

Room 25) 50’ × 30’ Fountain room

entrance to room is an illusional wall first drink will be detriment ( I used a magazine article for magic fountain generation.) 30’ diameter center bowl has a red glow. center bowl is 6’ high if non-good touch: 1d4 hp ( Any alignment without Good as part of the title would be considered non-good for the purposes of this encounter. )
if good touch: glow vanishes and Ring of Fire resistance will be found 20 percent chance to fall due to slipperiness; 1d4 hp chest south end of room:
trap: any on this side of fountain take d4+1 hp when it is opened.
inside is 20 pp

Room 26) 30’ × 70’ × 15’ (32,850 cubic feet)

Secret door to room 32: depressions in west wall: 2” across, 6” apart, 3” deep.
They start at 1 foot from the floor in a pattern of 10 depresisons up,
and 10 depressions across. Numbered, in elf runes, across the top A to J,
and down left side 1 to 10. a finger pushing on A3 opens secret door to room 32.
a finger pushing on A1 open North door to room 87.
a finger pushing on D6 opens secret door to room 27.
a finger pushing on G9 opens secret door to rooms 18, 23, 24, 25.
All other depressions, 1-5 in 20, gives 2 hp damage.

Room 27) 10’ × 10’

east secret door: opens when all PCs are inside room, or Knock

Room 28) 10’ × 10’

North door: one way to room 29. If opened, will close in 1 hour, not findable from room 29. Can push open door going from room 28 to room 29. word ‘push’ in common on room 28 side of door.

Room 29) 20’ × 40’


Room 30) 20’ × 20’


Room 31) 90’ × 30’ Fountain room

after 5 minutes in room, grating noises are heard from below
( like stone on stone)
Fountain: 20’ radius in NW corner ( I used magic fountain tables from a magazine) North door: wood with iron bands.

Room 32) 10’ × 10’

small water puddle on floor. South secret door: push North secret door: push

Room 87) 10’ × 10’ metallic smell in room

South secret door: Knock
North secret door: push up

Room 95) 40’ × 10’

south door is one-way into room 20, or Knock West wall is slimy

Room 96) 10’ × 60’

halfling bones on floor Gargoyle

Categories Trillolara


Sraa Keep level 3, Trillolara

Room 33)

stairs, number 6, trapped: overhead are 100 spear heads about 8.5’ up held by thin cords of string.
third person on stairs will trigger the dropping of the spear heads
1d4 hp each, 5 or better to hit
( leads to level 4 room 86 Dead End unless passage found) stairs, number 7, trapped: dead end. If all of the group goes down the stairs, a wooden plate closes the top off. ( leads to level 4 room 79 Dead End) stairs, number 8, trapped: fifth and sixth character to go down the steps gets 2d4 electrical damage. SR vs. electrical damage for 1/2 damage. ( leads to level 4 hallway and room 52 and most of level 4) stairs, number 9, safer than the others in this room only non-trapped stairs in this room ( leads to level 4 room 53 and connects to stairs 11 for other levels of Sraa Keep)

Room 34) 40’ × 50’

frescoe on west wall shows Strazl torturing someone/something but that part
is missing. ( He is smiling, there is a brazier of burning coal and
metal rods are heating in the brazier.)
7 Gnolls have been trying to get the chest open
Chest: 6’ × 3’ × 2’ high, locked
Long sword +2/+4 vs. True Dragons vs. Red Dragons get triple damage
Neutral Good aligned sword
400 pp

Room 35) 50’ × 40’ × 15’ ( 30,000)

five 4’ × 6’ × 3’ coffins
five 4’ × 8’ × 4’ coffins all 10 are empty
9 Ghouls stairs, number 5, goes up to level 2 room 22

Room 36) 10’ × 40’ Storeroom

1 barrel: 3’ diameter X 4’ high, wood South wall directly opposite of door:
a sword is projecting out for the wall, point first, about 4” of blade.
human blood on the sword

Room 37) 10’ × 40’ alcove

trapped: darts fire at any crossing movement.
1 dart per NPC; 3 darts per PC.
1d6 hp per dart. SR vs. poison +4 for any hit.
will hit on 1-9 in 20

Room 38) 30’ × 60’ × 15’ Fountain Room

the 2 fountains are non-magical North wall, a spear point projects from the wall,
with a bit of chain mail on the point
( about 6.5 feet above the floor)
dried blood on it, spear point is very rusty.
Anyt attempt to remove it and it shatters and falls apart.

Room 39) 20’ × 40’ empty except for barrel

barrel in Northeast corner:
2’ diameter x 3’ high
full of lead, takes 2 characters of S16 or more to move it.
behind it is a secret door.

Room 40) 40’ × 40’ × 15’ ( 24,000)

2 giant lizards

Room 41) 30’ × 20’

a pile of human bones in the center of the room

Room 42) 40’ × 60’ rotting flesh smell

Room 43) 10’ × 10’

Dryad in stasis, captured by Strazl, from woods north of Sraa Keep If PC attack, the PC takes 5 hp and the Dryad disappears. If they don’t attack, she thanks them for releasing her and she says
“here is your reward” and she vanishes.
The sack contains: 10 pp and a Ring of Protection +3

Room 44) 40’ × 20’ Auxillary Burial Room

4 coffins: 2’ × 6’ × 4’ empty
2 coffins: 2’ × 6’ × 2’ a cleric will recognize the bones in them as
halfling bones.
3 Ghouls

Room 45) 20’ × 60’

The entire north wall is covered by an abstract ceramic fresco
of red, yellow, green, blue, and violet tiles. The colors will
appear to swirl to any PC Intelligence 16 or less. SR vs. paralyzation
Unless blocked from seeing it, the affected character will
continue to look at it for 3 melee rounds. The PC
will be hypnotized for a week, must be led, wont fight.
Cure Disease to remove.

Categories Trillolara

Copyright by me, Jim. 1980-2050

Unless held by others.