The gaming group that played in this game session started out in the city of Emerald Firth.
They traveled up the valley of the Never Dry River. The started noticing high cliffs and very little dirt. Then the rock were seen, scree. The river started rising. They scrambled up the river valley walls, just past the cliffs, and escaped drowning.
No stores, etc. so far. When I first ran this I told the players to just use the players’ handbook.
This is the basic map showing where home and store players adventured.
Dank Forest, home and store players.
Dwarf Home, store and home players.
Teslarc, store players and home players.
Trillolara, land of the bards. Home players.
The Stones, homes of giants; Plains of Dareth, home to great evil; Barbarians, raid Trillolara; The Great Open, where two keeps (one is B2) and dragons live.
Where it says ’4,300 feet’ is where a store group adventured. I’ll post the adventure at a later date.
The Gray Fields is an old battle ground. The Never Dry River comes up out of a hole in the rock. While Emerald Firth is the seaport city, the village of Burlan is where the power lies.
A neutral good nation that fights the neutral evil corsairs in the Gray Ocean. They have heard of Trillolara, but feel they are too small to ally with.
I like this definition of ‘martyr’: one who suffers for the sake of principle. In this case, the fight against undead and evil pirates.