
It is possible the first and second level are not originally part of Dwarf Home, but were added to it later on.

The square area of level 1 is: 540 feet by 720 feet = 388,800 square feet. Thats the size of outermost wall ( north-south) to outermost wall ( east-west) of
the level. Its one of the smaller levels.

Unless I specifically state otherwise in the room descriptions, the corridors on level one are 10 feet high.

all maps done; 9 maps, 120 rooms

Level 1 room information. This level starts on the middle of the side on map A0.

This level’s maps are: A 1, A0, A -1, B 1, B0, B -1, C 1, C0, and C -1.

There are various forces in the dungeons that place skeletons, other undead, tell bandits where a space is cleared for them, etc.

Note that inspection of down and updraft areas in Dwarf Home will result in the characters finding thousands and thousands of very tiny holes.

That’s where the air flow is coming from/going to. Doesn’t that seem to be beyond the typical tech level for this type of epoch ? It is, way beyond…

Here is the list of things the x-numbers stand for on the maps.

For level one

x-1 broken rusted dagger
x-2 torch stub
x-3 metallic smell ( like vaporized metal)
x-4 food scraps ( gnawed bones and torn cloth pieces)
x-5 manure smell, 2-3 gnawed human bones
x-6 candle stub
x-7 tinkling of wind chimes, cold ashes by North wall
x-8 pile of rotted rags
x-9 broken pick handle
x-10 wax drippings
x-11 slight down draft, walls are damp
x-12 rusted spike
x-13 torn cloth sack
x-14 humming above, animal scratching sound by South wall
x-15 bent rusted iron bar
x-16 splintered club
x-17 dried blood
x-18 dusty air, dusty floor, footprints man-sized
x-19 faint laughter, broken bottle, smell of cheap whiskey
x-20 common fungi
x-21 straw
x-22 stale air
x-23 broken sack, can see 2 pp, rest is 50 cp
x-24 updraft, warm
x-25 torn sack
x-26 stale fetid air
x-27 whispering
x-28 slithering
x-29 blue cloud, has no affects
x-30 rotted furniture
x-31 broken mace
x-32 broken bow
x-33 cut and torn leather boot, dwarf size
x-34 broken shield, large
x-35 crushed helm, dwarf
x-36 dank moldy smell
x-37 a hacked dead elf body
x-38 pottery shards
x-39 smell of apricots
x-40 gnawed bones (5)
x-41 still cold air
x-42 5 dented helms
x-43 sword blade sticking out of floor
x-44 smoke
x-45 a hastely put out fire
x-46 recently dead ( 3-5 hours) kobold
x-47 stale smell
x-48 cold air
x-49 a dead orc
x-50 broken glass
x-51 dried blood, larger area
x-52 manure
x-53 rotted flesh smell
x-54 broken short sword



Trillusion Castle (ruins), Teslarc level 2 info and png Use map level02.PNG

Room 1: 10’ × 10’ × 10’

Dust, otherwise empty.

Room 2: 10’ × 10’ × 10’

dried remains of 2 giant centipedes.

Trip wire on the way to room 3 is a fake.

Room 3: 20’ × 30’ × 10’

Secret door: push up to open.

Room 3a: 10’ × 10’ × 10’

Up above the floor of room 3.

Has an auto-fire repeating heavy crossbow. It can fire 5 times. Its firing area is marked on the side view drawing at the bottom left of the map.

Any character moving into the firing area will be fired upon once. Any more character movement will get fired upon. This continues until all 5 bolts have been fired.

Dusty area around the crossbow. A thorough search finds 1 platinum piece.

Room 4: 40’ × 100’ × 10’

The illusional fighter is at 5th level. AC 5 with chain mail. Long sword and shield. Attacks anyone entering the room. Dispels after 5 combat rounds.

Standard secret door: to open, push on the east side after finding it.

Room 5a: 60’ × 10’ × 10’

Trap inside the door. 1d4 hp per time someone steps on it.

Room 5b: 60’ × 10’ × 10’

False trap inside door. Trap door drops 2 inches.

Room 6: 10’ × 10’ × 10’

Regular wooden door into the room. Pull handle on the right.

2 skeletons guard a chest

Chest: 2’ long, 2’ wide, 1’ high. No carry handle, locked. 45 gold, 150 silver pieces. two 25 gp gems.

The corridor between room 4 and 7 sometimes echos from footsteps not made by the adventurers.

Room 7: 70’ × 90’ × 15’

Contains a 20’ × 90’ × 50’ deep moat in front of a castle-style wall.

Room is dusty, footprints are visible.

If any of the characters have encountered goblins and orcs before, they will recognize the footprints.

Room 8: 20’ × 30’ × 10’

Empty, but some of the dust could be rotted furniture.

The secret door is pushed upwards to open. The secret door is trapped. 1d6 electrical damage to first character that finds the door, make save for half.

The tunnel exit is partially blocked on the side of the ridge as the charactrs exit the dungeon. The player characters will need shovels and picks, or it will take 2 days instead of 1 day to clear the exit. Or they can exit the way they came in.

Room 9: 20’ × 30’ × 10’

Empty, but some of the dust could be rotted furniture.

On the north wall is scratched ‘Croatoan’.

(Originally found on a tree near early American colony, the original inhabitants disappeared.)

Room 10: 30’ × 90’ × 10’ empty

Parapet is 9.5’ wide, the merlons take up 4.5’ × 4.5’ each. With a 5’ gap between each one.

Moving the 30th brick from the east side, next to the south edge, will cause a secret door in the south wall to reveal itself. This leads to a 5’ wide and 5’ high tunnel that exits the north side of the wall.

Room 11: 10’ × 20’ × 20’

Regular wooden door into room 11. Pull handle on the right side going south. Push plate on left side going north.

North wooden door has a pull handle on both side, east side of door.

Nothing in the room.

Room 12a: 70’ × 20’ × 10’ – 30’ × 33’ × 10’

The storeroom to the left side is part of this room. The dashed line shows the limit between 12a and 12b.

Debris blocking exit west and east from room. There are small pieces of metal and a sword in the piles so carelessly moving them will cause a sound heard throughout room 12.

This will alert the Orcs in room 12c. They have been trapped here since the secret door closed and they couldn’t figure out how to open it again. Their leader who did know how to open it was killed by the previous group of adventurers who came here. The adventurers didn’t make it either.

The lamp light between rooms 12b and 12c is clearly visible to anyone in room 12a.

The storage barrels are mostly empty.

Two at the north end have dried apricots, marked with the letter A on the map. (In my campaign, the player characters have smelled apricots just before they encounter Ogres.

And apricots don’t grow in Trillolara, Dank Forest, and probably not in Teslarc either.)

The one next to it has dried apples, marked with a letter B on the map.

The four marked C on the map have clean water in them.

The other barrels have no markings the player characters can see.

The northmost sword, near the barrels marked on the maps, looks very green with crud. A careful cleaning shows it is a silver sword (An Identify will show it to be magic +1 to hit and +1 to damage.) (Silver corrosion is green.)

(In my campaign, Identitfy could only show a result of ‘few’ for +1 or +2, ‘several’ for +3 or +4, or ‘many’ for +5 or +6 items. Determining exact pluses and charges for items was impossible, unless a Wish or Limited Wish was used. Most +6 items are unique. If broken, they are gone forever.)

The other swords are rusted normal swords.

Room 12b: 70’ × 40’ × 10’ – 12’ × 20’ × 15’

A torch on one wall. The 30’ radius light is marked on the map.

The sword isn’t rusted. But it glows a light blue. (not magical)

Room 12c: 70’ × 40’ × 10’

15 beds, most are rotted and covered with dust.

Near bed marked B are 4 orcs. They have longswords, shields, Arnan helms without chain mail coifs. Two of them have light crossbows and 12 quarrels each.

Area marked A: under the bed is a small box, the spoils the Orcs have. 15 gold pieces, 45 silver pieces, 100 copper pieces. And from one adventurer who no longer has a use for it, a ring of protection +1.

Room 13: 10’ × 20’ × 20’

3 zombies in the room.

1 black widow spider on the ceiling

The corridor to room 11 is 15’ high.

Room 14: 70’ × 130’ × 10’

The sinkhole goes to a small cave below, about 10’ × 10’ × 10’

Listen quietly, the characters will hear scratching sounds, like several animals are digging.

The secret door leading to room 15 is findable 1 in 6.

The corridor to room 15 is 20’ high.

Room 15: 100’ × 70’ × 15’

The 5 metal spiral stairs lead downward.

Stairs 1, 2, and 4 stop just below floor level.

Stair 5 leads down into a small cavern with one sinkhole. Signs of battle, 3 dead kobolds.

Stair 3 leads down 30’ to a small tunnel going southward that leads to a room: 80’ × 50’ × 20’

In the room are 10 kobolds who would prefer to bargain for another way out. They are the remnants of the 30 kobolds that came down here via a tunnel. The rest have been killed by the 3 carrion crawlers that live down one sinkhole and the 8 giant centipedes that live down the other sink hole.

If they are told how to get out, they will mention the secret tunnel and what room it is located in. They don’t know how to open it.

Standing around and talking loudly will attract the carrion crawlers and the giant centipedes.

While the centipedes and crawlers don’t coordinate their attacks, both attacking at the same time could overwhelm the characters and the kobolds.



To show the players the angles, I used an adjustable drafting triangle. I didn’t show the the side with the degree markings. That way they had to estimate the angle. If a dwarf was in the group, I let that character use their dwarf skills, depth underground, etc. to determine a range of the slope. So a 28 degree slope, the dwarf player rolled percentile dice. And if make the roll, against what ever ability I figured matched, I told them ‘the angle is between 25 and 30 degrees’… if they made the roll. If they failed, I gave a wider range, say 20 to 35 degrees.

Room 1: 10’ × 10’ × 15’

Nothing but dust in room 1. A few tree roots. Stone steps lead downward.

The stairs are 26’ long. At a 28.7 degree slope, and drop for 12 feet 6 inches.

Various tree roots, from the trees up on top, restrict movement in the passageway.

The corridor that now turns right is 20 feet long. It has a slight 2 degree slope that drops down a further 6 inches.

More stairs. Forty feet long, 30 degree slope for a drop of 35 feet.

Another right turn as the passageway drops further into the ridge.

This 40 foot long passageway drops 2 feet 1.2 inches on a 3 degree slope.



It is at the 2,500 feet above sea level contour.

After clearing the dirt for 20 game minutes a stone plug will be found. Attached to it is a rusty iron ring.

Pulling up on the ring with a combined strength of 25, will raise the stone plug. Up to three characters can get a grip on the ring. Removing it reveals a stone tunnel going downwards, which is 5’ wide at the top and 10’ wide at the bottom. The wooden ladder is long gone. The drop is 15 feet.


Copyright by me, Jim. 1980-2050

Unless held by others.