
Room 1) 30’ × 60’ × 10’ ( 18,000 cubic feet )

The room has smooth walls, arched ceiling.

2 kobolds, armed with short swords. Four of them have light crossbows, 10 quarrels each. They have 4 sacks with a total of 100 electrum pieces. They are resting, but alert.

They work for Arlo Curfriend in room 99, level 1.

The stairs spiral in such a way that monsters and adventurers can be on the at the same time. They cannot attack each other except at the ends.

Room 2) 30’ × 60’ × 20’ ( 36,000 cubic feet )

On doors to room in CE, Orc, and Common is: ‘Friend of Kug the Lecher’.

Secret Door east wall opened by: second from bottom, stone roses on a column in the center of the south wall. Turn it clock-wise. There are 7 such roses. The other 6 stone roses do not move.

Cabinet east wall: 6 shelves; 6’3” tall, 12’ wide x 2’ deep. Each shelf area is 1 foot high.

top shelf: 3 jars salt, 2 dried fungus, 2 mushrooms, 2 white wine, 2 dill, 2 jars chives, 2 basil.

5th shelf: 3 alcohol, 2 dried bees, 2 dried ants, 1 human blood, 2 clove, 2 nutmeg, 3 sulphur

4th shelf: 1 dragon dung, 1 halfling blood, 3 pine sap, 5 Unholy water, 1 elf blood, 4 dwarf blood.

3rd shelf: 1 human bone powder, 3 dwarf blood, 1 mineral oil, 1 maple sap, 1 dragon blood dried, 1 jar of dried beetles

2nd shelf: 2 iron filings, 1 catnip, 1 oregano, 1 tin filings, 3 crushed pumice

bottom shelf: 1 white sand, 2 red vinegar, 2 cinnamon, 2 oak coal, 3 crushed pumice

Cabinet south wall: 6 shelves; 6’3” tall, 10’ wide x 2’ deep. Each shelf area is 1 foot high.

top: 2 jars honey, 3 lard, 1 hazelnuts, 2 raisins, 2 salt pork

5th: 1 rye flour, 2 whole peas, 6 dried mushrooms, 1 water

4th: 1 balance and weights, 4 beakers, 4 bowls, 1 elf skull, 2 tongs

3rd: 3 retorts, 3 mortar and pestle, 2 small oil lamps, 1 hourglass, 2 funnels

2nd: 10 candles, slim book obviously written in personal short hand, 1 small cage, 5 quill pens, 3 rolls parchment ( no writing)

1st: 2 wooden candle sticks, 2 ladels, 5 prisms, 3 tweezers, 6 empty vials, 2 incense burners

3 large jars under cabinet: left dried meat, middle wheat flour, right whole barley

1 small jar murkey grey liquid ( potion of sickness) even a sip will give sickness, noticed after 6 turns, stomach pain. Fighting and movement impossible for 1d4 hours. Loses effects 2 turns after being removed from room.

south table: on table; water clock, crucible, white chalk;

under table: water keg, jar of camphor, jar agaric,

jar peppermint, jar watercress

east table: on east wall above table: painting of sunburst ( red, green, orange)

deity to whom/which Sharg the magic-user sacrifices to.

On table alter: 2 votive candles (blue), sacrificial dagger, blood stains

If the painting is attacked, via Holy water, etc. it fires 3d6 lightning bolts at the party. Either pick a target randomly or it fires at the person trying to damage it.

North wall: 3 sleeping pads for the berserker guards. 3 waterskins

South wall: one sleeping pad for Sharg candle on candle stick

Sharg, Chaotic Evil m-u level 6. Dagger 1) +1 vs. man-sized, +2 vs. small; Dagger 2) +1 vs. large, +2 vs man-sized, +3 vs. small-sized

Gug, Lon, and Chite are Chaotic Evil berserkers as level one fighters. leather armour; each has a long sword and a dagger. One of the daggers is +2.

Room 3) 6’ × 4’ × 10’ ( 240 cubic feet )

secret door west end: open by turning sconce in hall counter clockwise.

4 giant centipedes

Room 4) 4’ × 6’ × 10’ ( 240 cubic feet ) empty

Secret door north end: open by placing fingers in the two 2” depressions just below wall sconce

Room 5) 8’ × 6’ × 10’ ( 480 cubic feet )

trap: 5 spears attack as 5 hit dice monster. They do 1d6 hit points each hit.

Room 6) 8’ × 36’ × 10’ storeroom ( 2,880 cubic feet )

Secret door: opened by pulling sconce on west wall in room 2 down.

9 barrels: salt, rye flour ( small box deep inside it with 30 gold pieces inside.), salt pork, dried apples, salt pork, wheat flour, red wine, dried apples, raisins.

east end of room has a loose rock: under it is a sack with 700 copper pieces in it.

Room 7) 4’ × 6’ × 10’

2 skeletons. armed with sword and have a shield

Room 8) 60’ × 10’ × 10’ ( 6,000 cubic feet)

teleport reception from area 1Ts to west of room 1. After 6 people are teleported here, a gelatinous cube appears at the north end of the room and moves south. Secret door north end, push on right side of door.

DM roll 1d6 for arrival position, on a 1 arrive in room 9.

Room 9) 10’ × 10’× 10’ ( 1,000 cubic feet ) empty

North door: normal push on left side

South door: pull handle

Room 10) 20’ × 10’ × 18’ – 10’ × 10’ × 18’ ( 5,400 cubic feet )

secret door: pull sconces down in hall, door opens inward

on south wall: 6 depressions 2 inches across 2 feet apart in a vertical line.

Put finger in 3rd depression from bottom. Secret door in west wall opens to room 11.

Room 11) 10’ × 20’ × 10’ ( 2,000 cubic feet )

5 good dwarves in stasis. each is wearing a helm, chain mail, carrying an axe and a heavy crossbow. 20 quarrels and 5 silver quarrels each dwarf. One of the axes is +3. To release: Dispel Magic by 3rd or higher caster. If attacked, they will disappear and attackers take 1d6 hit points.

Will accompany party on first level if asked, otherwise will give 500 gold pieces for the rescue, when the party returns to Dwarfbas.

Room 12) 8’ × 4’ × 10’ – 4’ × 6’ × 10’ – 14’ × 4’ × 10’ ( 1,120 cubic feet )

north secret door: female touch door slides into floor

south secret door: 5 depressions in a square with one in the center. Pushing the center one will open the door.

Room 13) 24’ × 6’ × 10’ ( 1,440 cubic feet)

Three cone shaped cloudy areas on the table; one player pick one, the rest of the items vanish.

left: spear +1

middle: heavy crossbow + 1

right: sack 700 electrum pieces

Room 14) 10’ × 10’ × 14’ ( 1,400 cubic feet)

2 burglers/thieves Neutral Evil level 5. Long swords + 1 NE aligned. 3 Daggers each.

Sack 100 ep, 25 cp, 20 sp, one 15 gp gem

sack dried meat, sack bread, and sack apples, 2 water skins

They store the rest of their treasures in room 23. They toss in captives as a distractant to the sturges so the thieves can get to their treasures.

Room 119) 10’ × 6’ × 10’

Secret door: turn sconce left then right to open

treasure room of magic-user in room 2

3 skeletons shield and long sword

chest 1: 900 cp, blade trap for 1d4 damage

chest 2: 6 arrows +2

chest 3: Manual of Puissant Skill at Arms

chest 4: 400 sp

chest 5: empty

chest 6: carrion crawler

chest 1-5 are stacked on top of number 6

Room 120) 20’ × 20’ × 10’

stairs lead to level 2, north end of room is open to hall.

no guard rail to prevent a fall down the stairs

Corridor M

secret doors: west side: pushv

east side: push up on door, about 7’ up the wall.

(between rooms 1 and 2)

Corridor M: 2 shriekers, used as a warning system by the kobolds in room 1



Room 87) 8’ × 10’ × 10’

10 skeletons put here by Grag the unholy

Room 88) 20’ × 10’ × 10’ trap

north secret door: Knock from north side or push from south side
south secret door: Knock from south side and push from south side
east and west doors will open when anyone enters room, then the skeletons attack

Room 89) 8’ × 20’ × 10’

20 skeletons put here by Grag the unholy

Room 90) 30’ × 20’ × 20’ – 90’ × 20’ × 20’ ( 48,000) empty

Room 91) 10’ × 10’ × 10’ – 20’ × 10’ × 10’ ( 3,000) empty

Room 92) 10’ × 50’ × 20’ – 10’ 10’ × 20’ – 10’ × 50’ 20’ ( 21,000) empty

southwest secret door: A lawful good character w/in 10’ will cause door to slide into floor.

Room 93) 20’ × 10’ × 20’ – 10’ 10’ × 20’ – 20’ 10’ 20’ (10,000)

statue facing Northeast. Its on a 3’ high pedestal in the southwest corner.
Tara the Pure. 4th level paladin. LG touch, or calling for help from a paladin
will release her. She was turned into a statute 25 years ago.

Room 94) 8’ × 8’ × 20’ ( 1,280)

6 giant centipedes.

Corridor AA: area marked off is the fireball volume
if one is cast into room 94

Room 95) 10’ × 30’ × 20’ ( 6,000)

loose slab in south end of room: sack 500 sp.
must search to find loose slab, not obvious.

Room 96) 10’ × 10’ × 20’ empty

Secret door: from west Knock spell; from east push on left side

Room 106) 20’ × 10’ × 20’ – 10’ 20’ × 20’ ( 8,0000 ) empty

Room 107) 60’ × 10’ × 20’ – 10’ × 20’ × 20’ ( 16,000)

9 orcs from level 2, room 33. chain, shield, light crossbows with 20 quarrels each,
long swords. Several sacks: total 1,000 cp.

South secret door: from west Knock spell; from east push on left side

Room 108) 10’ × 10’ × 20’ empty

south secret door: push left side

Room 109) 10’ × 60’ × 20’ ( 12,000 cubic feet) empty

Room 110) 10’ × 40’ × 15’ empty

Room 111) 20’ × 10’ × 15’

9 giant rats

Room 112) 30’ × 10’ × 20’ – 10’ 10’ × 20’ ( 8,000) empty

Room 113) 30’ × 10’ × 20’ – 10’ 10’ × 20’ ( 8,000) empty

Secret door: any Chaotic good get within 10’, it slides into ceiling

Room 114) 10’ × 10’ × 10’ empty

Room 115) 50’ × 10’ × 15’ ( 7,500) empty

secret door: from north side push on left; from South side Knock spell

Room 116) 10’ × 10’ × 15’ empty

Room 117) 20’ × 10’ × 20’ empty

Room 118) 10’ × 10’ × 15’

four 2nd level fighters, Neutral evil: Lor, Dun, Krii, and Gla
Hirelings to Kug the Lecher
banded mail, shield, long sword, foot flail



Room 83) 10’ × 100’ × 15’ – 10’ × 100’ × 15’ – 4 alcoves of 10’ × 10’ × 15’ (36,000)

statues in 3 of the 4 alcoves, touching a statue reverts it to a living being

statue 1) gelatinous cube: inside has one 77 gp jewelry, one 1370 gp jewelry,
one 1500 gp jewlery

statue 2) 2 chaotic good elf fighters level one. They are back to back.
chain + 1, shield + 1, each has a spear and a long sword.
Each one marked by a large ‘E’.

statue 3) giant toad

the fourth alcove is empty.

Room 84) 40’ × 20’ × 20’ (16,000) empty

Room 85) 30’ × 40’ × 20’ – 60’ × 50’ × 20’ ( 40,000)

adventuring party, lost their map in a battle, looking for the exit
all are chaotic good
7 dwarves fighter level 1, chain, shield, battle axe, hammer
1 dwarf cleric of 3rd level Chain mail + 1, foot mace + 1, shield + 1 has 200 sp

Room 86) 30’ × 40’ × 20’ ( 24,000)

6 kobolds wooden clubs, 2 have axes, 2 light crossbows with 15 quarrels each
hirelings of Aalo Curfriend



Room 97) 40’ × 70’ × 20’ ( 56,000 cubic feet)

Aalo Curfriend Chaotic Evil Magic-user 5th level
( ‘sign’ is a hand petting a dog) Ring of protection + 2, dagger + 1,
staff, plenty of destructive spells.

Neutral Evil Magic-user 3rd level, Bin Chaotic Evil magic-user 3rd level.
2 daggers each, staff

Boc NE, Lud CE, Zin CE first level magic-users daggers

10 bugbears each has 3 spears and a long sword.

food and water barrels; lights; table; pallets; chest 600 ep,
two 363 gp jewelry, 800 sp; sack 110 pp

( A pallet is a blanket on the floor with a pillow.)

secret door north side: push to exit
south side: only only to touch of magic-users who live here,
Knock otherwise

Room 98) 10’ × 20’ × 10’

GEASed to help any good party, will come out of this room when a good party enters room 99. GEASed by Mitra

Dan Paladin level 1, plate + 1, shield, long sword, spear, dagger,
Human male, LG

Casea Ranger level 2, plate + 1, shield, long sword, spear, dagger, Human female, LG

Room 99) 110’ × 190’ × 20’ ( 418,000)

23 kobolds, chain, shield, short sword, foot soldier’s flail, 2 spears 5’ long
hirelings to Aalo Curfriend. Chest: 1100 cp, 400 gp, 100 sp
pallets, tables, food and water barrels, braziers and coal for heat.
recruited by Greg the unholy. Note the 2 ballistas.

the wall inside this room is 4 inches thick and has a number of arrow slots

Room 100) 100’ × 20’ × 20’ ( 40,000)

15 zombies, 5 behind each door, put here by Aalo Curfriend

Room 101) 10’ × 20’ × 20’ ( 4,000) empty

Room 102) 10’ × 20’ × 20’ ( 4,000)

2 piercers 2 hit dice
1 piercer 3 hit dice
1 piercer 4 hit dice

some are centered over the chests

chest in front: 200 sp, 800 ep, potion ( pale maroon) ESP

chest at back wall: 1,000 sp, 300 gp, one 230 gp gem



Info on my measurements. The color numbers are the ones used in Campaign Cartographer 3.


Copyright by me, Jim. 1980-2050

Unless held by others.